Friday, March 20, 2009

Lose That Pot-Belly by Summer

Can you drop twenty pounds before Summer? You Bet You Can! The Quickest way to lose weight - and keep it off - is with daily exercise AND eating healthy foods. Many health experts suggest losing two pounds a week. Maybe three. Gradual weight loss - is more easily sustainable.

What kind of healthy foods should you eat? Concentrate on more veggies and fruits and less red meat. Don't get me wrong - I love a good steak or a big juicy hamburger fresh off the barbecue grill! Beef is fine - in moderation! Try to include salmon or a fresh water wild caught fish several times a week.

Cut out sugars and trans-fats. Do you like donuts? If you want to lose some weight - you might want to limit that delicacy! Same for cakes and candies. If you're like me you enjoy a cool one now and then. Most beer contains around 150 calories. It's up to you. Those are not exactly healthy calories!

Your body needs fuel for daily exercise. Beans, whole grains, and omega-3 fats are healthy components of any diet. Don't forget to start your day with a healthy breakfast. Try a egg-white omelet and whole wheat toast for some much needed protein.

Focus on eating a variety of foods every day - grains, vegetables, fruits, beans, lean meats, and low fat dairy products. The base of the diet should come from carbohydrates in the form of starches and sugars. Fluids, especially water, are also important to the winning combination.

When starches or sugars are eaten, the body changes them all to glucose, the only form of carbohydrate used directly by muscles for energy. Whether carbohydrates are in the form of starches (in vegetables and grains), sucrose (table sugar), fructose (found in fruits and juices) or lactose (milk sugar), carbohydrates are digested and ultimately changed to glucose.

The body uses this glucose in the blood for energy. Most glucose is stored as glycogen in the liver and muscles. During exercise glycogen is broken down in the muscles and provides energy.

Muscles develop from training and exercise. A certain amount of protein is needed to help build the muscles but a nutritious, balanced diet that includes two or three servings from the meat/bean/egg group (6-7 ounces total) and two to three servings of dairy daily will supply all of the protein that the muscles need.

Extra servings of protein in foods or protein supplements do not assist in muscle development. Unlike carbohydrates, protein cannot be stored in the body and any excess will be burned for energy or stored as body fat. Don't let it turn to fat! Exercise and burn those calories!

You can eat healthy, exercise and lose weight fast!

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