Sunday, January 6, 2013

Be Happy

Health experts and university researchers have uncovered an extra benefit of daily exercise. Especially useful during the winter - this hidden benefit just might help you tackle the inevitable stress of spending so much time indoors.

Daily exercise can improve your attitude! Daily exercise triggers something in your brain that helps you feel happier - and more content. We won't even try to spell ( or bore you ) with the details of what is happening in your brain during and after a vigorous workout. Try it. You'll soon have a much happier outlook on life!

So beat those Winter blues with a little exercise every day. What have you got to lose? Except maybe a bad mood?

                Ditch the stress and your bad mood.

 Exercise - any way you like - for 30 or 40 minutes. Push yourself a little. You'll soon feel way better!

Try it for a few weeks - you might soon be hooked on the happy habit - Daily Exercise!

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