Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A New Habit

   What are your goals for the year?  D you want to eat better, get healthy and be more  fit? Maybe you'd like to be happier and enjoy a better life  balance? These are all worthwhile resolutions aren't they?  In order to achieve these high-level goals you may want to consider a bunch of specific milestones for each of your high-level targets.

  Too often these BIG Goals are doomed for failure because they simply aren't specific enough. The more  specific you are, the more likely you will be able to succeed.    Write down your goals and resolutions in ways that allow you to track progress. And, equally important - measure your success!

For example- if you want to lose 10 pounds before Summer you might start losing just 1 pound a week. Start taking action immediately.  Embrace a new habit - and build up your self esteem while you're at it. Exercise - however you like - for 30 minutes every day. Enjoy eating more fruits and vegetables and less of the stuff you know is bad for you. Find foods you enjoy. Learn a new sport. Sign up for a Zumba class. Whatever you choose - Enjoy your journey.

However small your steps - keep moving. If you want  to become more fit, focus on being able to jog a little bit further  every time you go for a walk, rather than being able to run 5 miles  within a week or two. Sometimes progress is a little slower than you first imagined. That's OK! Just keep going.

Forgive yourself if you fail. Don't allow setbacks and  failures to define your success  If you slip or mess up,  don’t  beat yourself up. Okay, so you slept in and didn’t get to the gym like you’d  planned.  How about 5 minutes of stretching and a couple trips around the block?  We all slip backwards from time to time. It happens to everyone.  Just don’t let your setbacks get in your way.  Reflect on the lessons they hold, make adjustments accordingly,  then Cowboy up and get back in that saddle. Life rewards  those who keep getting back up!

Wishing you a Year filled with Happiness, Amazing Success and Gratitude!

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