Friday, January 29, 2010

Work Hard and Reap Big Rewards

"God gives every bird its food, but he does not throw it into the nest." —J. G. HOLLAND.

Man is not merely the architect of his own fortune, but he must lay the bricks himself. If you want to Lose weight fast - your results will be a direct result of your efforts. If you want maximum results - work hard. Work smart and focus your efforts on the result(s) you desire.

There is no manhood mill which takes in boys and turns out men. What you call "no chance" may be your "only chance." Don't wait for your place to be made for you; make it yourself. Don't wait for somebody to give you a lift; lift yourself.

Henry Ward Beecher did not wait for a call to a big church with a large salary. He accepted the first pastorate offered him, in a little town near Cincinnati. He became literally the light of the church, for he trimmed the lamps, kindled the fires, swept the rooms, and rang the bell. His salary was only about $200 a year,—but he knew that a fine church and great salary cannot make a great man. It was work and opportunity that he wanted. He felt that if there was anything in him - hard work would bring it out.

"The first thing I have to impress upon you is," says J. T. Davidson, "that a good name must be the fruit of one's own exertion. You cannot possess it by patrimony; you cannot purchase it with money; you will not light on it by chance; it is independent of birth, station, talents, and wealth; it must be the outcome of your own endeavor.

Of all the elements of success in life few are more vital than self-reliance,—a determination to be, under God, the creator of your own reputation and advancement. If difficulties stand in the way, if exceptional disadvantages oppose you, all the better, as long as you have the focus and will to overcome them.

You really can have a much better, happier life. Work at developing a plan. Start small and as you progress - make each goal a little higher. Keep reaching your goals and extending yourself. You'll be amazed at all you can accomplish!

If you are determined to lose weight this year. If you want this to be the Summer you have more fun and look better than ever - you can make it happen. Start today. Make a plan. Start chipping away at short term goals and keep your eye on the ultimate vision. Focus your efforts - every day.

Keep eating healthy foods. Make a habit of daily exercise - and you can reach new heights. Have more fun. Enjoy life more. You really can exercise and lose weight fast.

Start getting in shape fast! Work hard and reap big rewards!

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