Friday, January 1, 2010

Your Best Year Ever

Wishing you a Happy and Healthy New Year!

If you want to lose some weight this year - or simply make your life a little better - now is the perfect time to set your course. Decide what you'd like to accomplish and start taking action. If you're busier than ever - do yourself a huge favor and schedule some time for yourself. Then guard your time without compromise.

Write it in your planner - exercise time or time for sports as many days out of the week as you can. Busy at work? Schedule a meeting over lunch and enjoy a fast paced walk before you sit down to eat. Take your staff to the gym - or cut out 30 minutes early and walk off some of that workday stress.

Many successful leaders swear by their early morning exercise time. Try it and see if you don't find yourself feeling more energized throughout your workday. More clarity and less stress are just two of the benefits sited.

Whatever time works best for you - make the time each day for exercise. If you want more energy and excitement this year - start exercising every day. You'll soon feel more positive and way less stressed out. Try a new sport - or two or three. Join a league and enjoy the pleasure in making new friends. If you have fun while you burn off those extra Holiday calories you're far more likely to stick with your healthy habits!

Choose better health and fitness for this year and every year! If you're trying to spend less and save more of your hard earned cash - good news! You can easily enjoy better health , lose weight and start getting in shape all without spending a small fortune.

Find a comfortable pair of shoes for walking or running. Pick up an inexpensive jump rope and get some hand weights or dumbbells. You can build muscles and lose weight fast doing simple calisthenics we all learned in middle school or high school.

Add some variety to your workouts - pick up some inexpensive home fitness equipment and get fit right in the comfort of home.

If you want more energy and a slimmer, sexier body - you can have it all! Medical and health professionals have known the secret formula for years! The quickest way to lose weight - and then keep it off - is with daily exercise.

Have a Healthy, Happy New Year!

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