Saturday, January 23, 2010

Persevere and Win the Battle of the Bulge

"When the going gets tough - the tough get the hell out of the Kitchen" John Mitchell ( former U.S. Attorney General )

Perseverance has won many a battle.

If you find yourself in your very own battle of the bulge - and wondering just how in the Sam Hill to best get rid of your belly fat - don't dismay! Join the millions of successful weight loss achievers who practiced just 2 simple habits and won the battle!

Yes, you really can lose weight and feel substantially better than you do today! You really can sculpt a much leaner and trimmed down body shape. You can win this one!

Persevere - Stick with your plan ( You have a plan, don't you? ) and make these 2 simple habits part of your daily routine.

1. Get a little exercise every day. Even a nice walk counts. Just make it as fast as you can muster and go for as long as you can. Once you get started you won't want to stop!

2. Eat more healthy stuff. You know what the bad stuff is. Eliminate it from your daily diet. Or drastically reduce your consumption of those unhealthy and fattening food stuffs we all love so! Drink water - at least 8 glasses every day!

Eat more fruits and vegetables daily too! Get some protein early in the day and kick-start your metabolism. You'll burn more calories throughout your day!

While you're at it - start your day with some kind of exercise. Get up early and workout before the children get up. Many fitness buffs have discovered the joy of early morning workouts! If the weather outside is keeping indoors - no worries - plug in a favorite comedy and laugh to your heart's content while you exercise in the comforts of home!

Get your heart beating early and your body will keep burning calories long after your workout winds down! A few pieces of home fitness equipment are all you'll need to get in a great workout before the demands of your day start piling up!

Want to really give your metabolism a boost and shed those extra pounds? Discover the joys (and results) of using your own indoor rowing machine!

Whatever choices you make - just stick with it. There are no magic pills. If you want lasting results and better health over the short and longer term - just practice these 2 simple habits. Daily exercise and eating healthy foods are all you really need to enjoy a much healthier, and even happier life!

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