Friday, January 29, 2010

Work Hard and Reap Big Rewards

"God gives every bird its food, but he does not throw it into the nest." —J. G. HOLLAND.

Man is not merely the architect of his own fortune, but he must lay the bricks himself. If you want to Lose weight fast - your results will be a direct result of your efforts. If you want maximum results - work hard. Work smart and focus your efforts on the result(s) you desire.

There is no manhood mill which takes in boys and turns out men. What you call "no chance" may be your "only chance." Don't wait for your place to be made for you; make it yourself. Don't wait for somebody to give you a lift; lift yourself.

Henry Ward Beecher did not wait for a call to a big church with a large salary. He accepted the first pastorate offered him, in a little town near Cincinnati. He became literally the light of the church, for he trimmed the lamps, kindled the fires, swept the rooms, and rang the bell. His salary was only about $200 a year,—but he knew that a fine church and great salary cannot make a great man. It was work and opportunity that he wanted. He felt that if there was anything in him - hard work would bring it out.

"The first thing I have to impress upon you is," says J. T. Davidson, "that a good name must be the fruit of one's own exertion. You cannot possess it by patrimony; you cannot purchase it with money; you will not light on it by chance; it is independent of birth, station, talents, and wealth; it must be the outcome of your own endeavor.

Of all the elements of success in life few are more vital than self-reliance,—a determination to be, under God, the creator of your own reputation and advancement. If difficulties stand in the way, if exceptional disadvantages oppose you, all the better, as long as you have the focus and will to overcome them.

You really can have a much better, happier life. Work at developing a plan. Start small and as you progress - make each goal a little higher. Keep reaching your goals and extending yourself. You'll be amazed at all you can accomplish!

If you are determined to lose weight this year. If you want this to be the Summer you have more fun and look better than ever - you can make it happen. Start today. Make a plan. Start chipping away at short term goals and keep your eye on the ultimate vision. Focus your efforts - every day.

Keep eating healthy foods. Make a habit of daily exercise - and you can reach new heights. Have more fun. Enjoy life more. You really can exercise and lose weight fast.

Start getting in shape fast! Work hard and reap big rewards!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Avoid Stress and Beat Those Winter Blahs

Beat those Winter blahs with the four simple steps:

1. Eat healthy foods - preferably 4 to 6 smaller meals a day. Eating more often helps your metabolism. Enjoy an occasional treat. Just try to keep a majority of your food choices healthy. Enjoy good, natural foods that are high in nutrients, fiber, "good fats," and lean protein. Get some protein early in the day.

2. Sleep at least seven hours every night. Try to get on a schedule and stick with it. Guard your sleep time closely. People who sleep at least seven hours a night tend to enjoy overall better health and are ill less often than those of us who can't seem to find enough time for at least seven hours.

3. Exercise and stay active. Americans spend a great deal of time sitting. Its unavoidable - we sit at our desks for hours on end, and in the car. Then we go home and sink into a favorite easy chair. But the human body was built to be active. Enjoy a long, healthy walk. Too cold outside? Get a jump rope, or do some push-ups and jumping jacks. No need to spend a fortune at the local health club. Get some inexpensive home fitness equipment.

You can stay active and start getting in shape without shelling out a small fortune every month!

4. Find something each day to laugh at. Grab a funny book or pick up a comedy at the library. Rent a funny movie. Laughter is good for your brain and your whole body! Release some healthy endorphins in your brain and laugh as much and as loud as you like!

Try these simple and effective steps this Winter and you can ward off stress and the annual post-Holiday blues.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Persevere and Win the Battle of the Bulge

"When the going gets tough - the tough get the hell out of the Kitchen" John Mitchell ( former U.S. Attorney General )

Perseverance has won many a battle.

If you find yourself in your very own battle of the bulge - and wondering just how in the Sam Hill to best get rid of your belly fat - don't dismay! Join the millions of successful weight loss achievers who practiced just 2 simple habits and won the battle!

Yes, you really can lose weight and feel substantially better than you do today! You really can sculpt a much leaner and trimmed down body shape. You can win this one!

Persevere - Stick with your plan ( You have a plan, don't you? ) and make these 2 simple habits part of your daily routine.

1. Get a little exercise every day. Even a nice walk counts. Just make it as fast as you can muster and go for as long as you can. Once you get started you won't want to stop!

2. Eat more healthy stuff. You know what the bad stuff is. Eliminate it from your daily diet. Or drastically reduce your consumption of those unhealthy and fattening food stuffs we all love so! Drink water - at least 8 glasses every day!

Eat more fruits and vegetables daily too! Get some protein early in the day and kick-start your metabolism. You'll burn more calories throughout your day!

While you're at it - start your day with some kind of exercise. Get up early and workout before the children get up. Many fitness buffs have discovered the joy of early morning workouts! If the weather outside is keeping indoors - no worries - plug in a favorite comedy and laugh to your heart's content while you exercise in the comforts of home!

Get your heart beating early and your body will keep burning calories long after your workout winds down! A few pieces of home fitness equipment are all you'll need to get in a great workout before the demands of your day start piling up!

Want to really give your metabolism a boost and shed those extra pounds? Discover the joys (and results) of using your own indoor rowing machine!

Whatever choices you make - just stick with it. There are no magic pills. If you want lasting results and better health over the short and longer term - just practice these 2 simple habits. Daily exercise and eating healthy foods are all you really need to enjoy a much healthier, and even happier life!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Win the Battle of the Bulge - In Your Head

Often, in the quest for better health and fitness the biggest challenge many of us face is in our head.

In 1860, when a committee visited Abraham Lincoln at his home in Springfield, Ill., to notify him of his nomination as President, he ordered a pitcher of water and glasses, "that they might drink each other's health in the best beverage God ever gave to man." "Let us," he continued, "make it as unfashionable to withhold our names from the temperance pledge as for husbands to wear their wives' bonnets in church, and instances will be as rare in one case as the other."

"The first and best of victories," says Plato, "is for a man to conquer himself; to be conquered by himself is, of all things, the most shameful and vile."

Self-control is at the root of all the virtues. Let a man yield to his impulses and passions, and from that moment he gives up his moral freedom.

"Teach self-denial and make its practice pleasurable," says Walter Scott, "and you create for the world a destiny more sublime than ever issued from the brain of the wildest dreamer."

Stonewall Jackson, early in life, determined to conquer every weakness he had, physical, mental, and moral. He held all of his powers with a firm hand. To his great self-discipline and self-mastery he owed his success.

His doctor advised him to retire at nine o'clock; and, no matter where he was, or who was present, he always sought his bed on the minute. He adhered rigidly through life to this stern system of discipline. Such self-training, such self-conquest, gives one great power over others. It is equal to genius itself.

How sweet the serenity of habitual self-command! When does a man feel more a master of himself than when he has passed through a sudden and severe provocation in silence or in undisturbed good humor?

Practice a little self control. Make a daily habit of eating small portions of healthy foods. Practice the healthy habit of daily exercise. The Battle of the Bulge is one you CAN Win! You Decide! The best way to lose belly fat is with a healthy balance of aerobic exercise and strength training!

Health experts agree - The Quickest Way to Lose Extra Pounds is eating healthy foods and exercising every day!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Exercise and Lose Weight Fast

Let us understand. You cannot reasonably hope to succeed by merely DREAMING about success.

You surely cannot achieve success if you PLUNGE BLINDLY through your days without any concrete plan or achievable goal.

"The dawn of a New Day!"

So, thrice have men ventured the Word:
"Comes now a full Day that is New!"

Since these giant Men-Types, what times of the Small
Have opened and set on poor mouthings of Truth!
What Night for a thousand years twice told!
With Fear, and the fierce Stars, and no Sun in the Void!
Shadows—and Fear—and Death!

A fourth time man whispers: "The Dawn!"
We LIVE! And behold a New Day!"
Does the Flare of its Flood-Tide winds stir YOU?
Does the light of its splendoring Sun thrill YOU?
Does the marvelous Life of it stimulate YOU
To a birth of the self and the kingship of THAT?

YOU live! The New Day is for each:
For the hitherto Common Man, slave,
For the Women, no longer a Thing,
For the Child, now escaped from the animal lair.
A new Dawn is here!

(With Opportunity leading "captivity captive,"
(And the stars urging on to achievement,
(And the Sun, breeding life triumphant);
With heart courageous and faith almighty
To fare forth and possess the whole world!
Soul of YOU, awaken! The New Day is yours

You cannot really succeed without a plan. Set short term goals in order to reach your longer term objective. Keep a vision of your big goal constantly in your sights. Take the steps to reach every short term goal and ultimately the prize you seek.

You can Live better. And lose weight while you're at it. You can develop a more muscular, toned body shape and shed those unwanted extra pounds for good!

Set your goal. Make a little progress each day.


Enjoy eating healthy foods, Exercise and Lose Weight Fast.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Keep Your Eye on the Goal

Chiseled upon the tomb of a disappointed, heart-broken king, Joseph II. of Austria, in the Royal Cemetery at Vienna, a traveler tells us, is this epitaph: "Here lies a monarch who, with the best of intentions, never carried out a single plan."

Sir James Mackintosh was a man of remarkable ability. He excited in every one who knew him the greatest expectations. Many watched his career with much interest, expecting that he would dazzle the world. But there was no purpose in his life. He had intermittent attacks of enthusiasm for doing great things, but his zeal all evaporated before he could decide what to do. This fatal defect in his character kept him balancing between conflicting motives; and his whole life was almost thrown away.

Stick to your goal. Persevere!

Mere energy is not enough, it must be concentrated on some steady, unwavering aim.

There is no grander sight in the world than that of a young man fired with a great purpose, dominated by one unwavering aim. He is bound to win; the world stands one side and lets him pass; it always makes way for the man with a will in him.

What a sublime spectacle it is to see a youth going straight to his goal, cutting his way through difficulties, and surmounting obstacles, which dishearten others, as though they were but stepping-stones! Defeat, like a gymnasium, only gives him new power; opposition only doubles his exertions, dangers only increase his courage. No matter what comes to him, sickness, poverty, disaster, he never turns his eye from his goal.

If better fitness is one of your goals this year, Congratulations! You are choosing perhaps the single best journey anyone can embark upon. Pick up some home fitness gear and workout right in the comfort of home!

If you want a great whole body workout try the Indoor Rowing Machine preferred by more health clubs and hotels than any other. You'll burn more calories - in less time and reach your fitness goals sooner. Enjoy the journey.

Keep your eye on the prize!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

A New Year - A New You!

A New Year. A new slate. How would you like to improve your life this year?

If you’ve not been physically active in a while, you may be wondering how to get started again. Lace up those sneakers and find some motivating ideas here.

Here are a few tips to help get you started:

* Look for opportunities to reduce couch time and to increase active time. For example, instead of watching TV, try taking a walk after dinner.

* Set aside specific times for physical activity in your schedule to make it part of your daily or weekly routine.

* Start with activities you enjoy. Some people might like walking in their neighborhood in the mornings; others might prefer an exercise class at a health club after work.

* Try working out or playing your favorite sports with friends or family to help with motivation and mutual encouragement. Share the fun!

* Start slowly and work your way up to more physically challenging activities. For many people, walking is a great way to get started.

* If you're stressed for time, break up your daily exercise goal into smaller time slots. You could break the 30-minute per day recommendation into three 10-minute sessions or two 15-minute sessions. Try to keep your shorter sessions at least 10 minutes long. For the best results - shoot for 45 minutes daily.

For many people, walking offers a great way to burn calories and stay slim.

If you live in a colder climate you may find it easier to get in some daily exercise right in the comfort of your home. Snag some inexpensive home fitness equipment and use that extra bedroom for your very own home fitness center!

Many people find their Recumbent / Rowing machine the ultimate in low impact home exercise equipment. They burn more calories in less time. And they never have to leave home!

Working out at home saves time, and money! And lets you decide when to get your exercise. Pop a favorite comedy in the DVD player and enjoy some heart healthy laughter while you burn calories and shed those extra pounds!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Winter Workouts

The weather outside is splendid – if you’re from Antarctica. Or happen to love playing Hockey on an outdoor rink. I love all four seasons. Winter is really great for all the indoor activities we so enjoy. Cooking and enjoying good company in a nice warm home make winter a special time of year.

Getting outside and enjoying nature can pose a challenge when the wind-chill is at single digits or lower! Your daily jog is super refreshing when the temperature is best suited for Eskimos.

If you’re like me you might find it way easier to get some exercise indoors on these freezing cold winter days. Isn’t it so much nicer to flip on the DVD player and enjoy a favorite comedy while you burn away those holiday calories?

Many of us face the challenge of moving our running and exercise time indoors from November to April. Joining a gym or health club is one option. Growing numbers of avid health enthusiasts are opting to put low impact exercise equipment right in their homes. They eliminate the expense of that fancy-pants health club membership. No more waiting to get on your favorite rowing machine. Or that elliptical closest to the TV screen.

If you’re like me you might prefer working out before the rest of the family wakes up. Early morning workouts get your heart pumping and burn off a ton of calories! All before you even step outside! And you'll keep burning more calories long after your workout!

Enjoy a nice warm cup of your favorite coffee or tea and then hit the rowing machine for 15 minutes. Jump rope or work out with your exercise ball for a few minutes. They say that ab exercises done on the ball are more up to 20% more effective! ( I have NO idea how "they" measure such effectiveness. )

The possibilities are practically endless. And you don’t even have to get out and brave the bitter Winter cold. Make this your best year ever and invest in some simple inexpensive home fitness equipment. Convert that unused corner of your basement into your very own mini fitness center!

Health experts agree – the quickest way to lose weight and keep it off requires but two simple habits. Daily exercise and eating healthy foods in moderation. Start getting in shape fast and enjoy the benefits of a healthier, sexier body!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Your Best Year Ever

Wishing you a Happy and Healthy New Year!

If you want to lose some weight this year - or simply make your life a little better - now is the perfect time to set your course. Decide what you'd like to accomplish and start taking action. If you're busier than ever - do yourself a huge favor and schedule some time for yourself. Then guard your time without compromise.

Write it in your planner - exercise time or time for sports as many days out of the week as you can. Busy at work? Schedule a meeting over lunch and enjoy a fast paced walk before you sit down to eat. Take your staff to the gym - or cut out 30 minutes early and walk off some of that workday stress.

Many successful leaders swear by their early morning exercise time. Try it and see if you don't find yourself feeling more energized throughout your workday. More clarity and less stress are just two of the benefits sited.

Whatever time works best for you - make the time each day for exercise. If you want more energy and excitement this year - start exercising every day. You'll soon feel more positive and way less stressed out. Try a new sport - or two or three. Join a league and enjoy the pleasure in making new friends. If you have fun while you burn off those extra Holiday calories you're far more likely to stick with your healthy habits!

Choose better health and fitness for this year and every year! If you're trying to spend less and save more of your hard earned cash - good news! You can easily enjoy better health , lose weight and start getting in shape all without spending a small fortune.

Find a comfortable pair of shoes for walking or running. Pick up an inexpensive jump rope and get some hand weights or dumbbells. You can build muscles and lose weight fast doing simple calisthenics we all learned in middle school or high school.

Add some variety to your workouts - pick up some inexpensive home fitness equipment and get fit right in the comfort of home.

If you want more energy and a slimmer, sexier body - you can have it all! Medical and health professionals have known the secret formula for years! The quickest way to lose weight - and then keep it off - is with daily exercise.

Have a Healthy, Happy New Year!