Simple fitness ideas for getting in shape. Many healthy and happy fitness lovers have found they can exercise and lose weight fast. And keep those extra pounds off!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Have more Fun - Shed those Winter pounds
The last day of April. The un-official start of Summer is but a few weeks away. Let the fun begin!
Are you tired of being cooped up indoors all Winter and these first few weeks of Spring? Some of us in the USA had more snow since Spring started than we did all Winter long! Time to get outdoors and enjoy nature more. Spring is the perfect time to start shedding some of those winter pounds!
Whether you enjoy working in your garden or getting out on the baseball diamond - now is the best time to have more fun outdoors! And burn some major calories while you're at it! Have fun and lose weight! You win either way!
If you've been inactive for a while or not exactly getting enough ( or any ) exercise - boy are you in for some fun! Start small if you like. Just start! Have some fun every day - doing whatever exercise or sport you like best. Try a variety of sports. Take at least a little action in the direction of better fitness every day.
Start with a 10 minute walk. When the famous inspirational speaker - Zig Ziglar - started jogging, his first day he ran for maybe a hundred yards. Everyone has to start somewhere – just like Zig did. Before too long he was jogging around the block. And then a mile. And then two. Zig probably added years to his life and had a whole lot more fun. You can too!
Gradually increase your time and your pace. Walk a little farther and a little faster each day. When you start to feel comfortable – start jogging. Again, take it slow – and don’t try to go too far too fast. Keep with it - you won't want to stop!
If losing weight is your dream - you can! There are no doubt many healthy and natural ways to lose weight. For last weight loss - the quickest way to lose weight is with two simple habits. Eat healthy, exercise and lose weight fast!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Enjoy Life More - Start Getting in Shape Fast!
Numerous scientific studies have concluded that people over 40 who get regular exercise live longer and are less likely to suffer physical disability than those who choose not to exercise. You don’t need to join an expensive healthy club or gym to enjoy the numerous benefits from regular exercise.
Millions enjoy running most days of the week. It gives them time to themselves and helps alleviate stress. All you need to get started is a good pair of running shoes. Ease yourself into the habit by starting with a brisk paced walk. After you’ve warmed up, jog slowly for a minute or two, and then return to walking for another few minutes. Gradually cut your walking time and increase your jogging time by a minute or two until you feel comfortable jogging for 20 to 30 minutes straight.
Take your time and don’t overdo it in the early weeks. Pushing yourself too hard can be counterproductive or lead to injury. At first you might want to go three times per week. As you gradually build your endurance and your muscles you can safely add another day or two to your weekly schedule. Give your body the rest it needs and always stretch before and after your run. Many runners like to walk for 10 minutes after their run to cool down.
The price of gas seems to be going up again. Maybe this Spring is just the right time to get back on your bicycle for a great aerobic workout. If you haven’t been on a bike for a while. you might want to build confidence with some short-distance rides. If your journey takes you on highly traveled roads – wear something bright so drivers can easily see you.
When the weather is not exactly great for working out - many enjoy working out right in the comfort of home. Or, if you are pressed for time - enjoy your favorite TV show while you burn off some major calories on your very own Elliptical Trainer
Some ideas to help you get going:
1) View workouts as time for yourself, rather than as a chore. On days when you’re unmotivated, promise yourself to exercise for just ten minutes. After getting started, you’ll probably do much more.
2) Whether you want to lose a few pounds or enhance your physical performance, set yourself up for morale building victories by establishing short-term goals and rewarding yourself as you reach each milestone. Buy yourself a new outfit after you drop that first ten pounds. Or take the family out to your favorite eatery after you run your first complete mile – or two! Keep your goals reasonable and you’ll reach them sooner! Then, set new goals!
3) Vary your workouts with different exercises. Have you tried yoga or swimming? Many healthy fitness lovers enjoy the benefits from low-impact water exercises. Choose different exercise routines and gradually build your times and intensity. Or try a new sport. Give your body a variety of thrills and make it fun! Your fitness habits will be much easier and hopefully last you a lifetime – if you enjoy the journey!
4) See yourself accomplishing your goal. Visualize your success. Imagine how you’ll feel slipping into a new smaller size or walking down the beach in that really hot new swimsuit! Hang a picture of someone in a bikini on your refrigerator. Every time you go to the ice-box you’ll have a pleasant reminder to eat healthy foods!
5) Some even suggest taking pictures along the way to document your progress. Periodically review your results - You might be amazed!
You can enjoy life more leading a healthy lifestyle. If weight loss is your goal you can exercise and lose weight fast. Start getting in shape fast and enjoy the countless benefits of better fitness!
Millions enjoy running most days of the week. It gives them time to themselves and helps alleviate stress. All you need to get started is a good pair of running shoes. Ease yourself into the habit by starting with a brisk paced walk. After you’ve warmed up, jog slowly for a minute or two, and then return to walking for another few minutes. Gradually cut your walking time and increase your jogging time by a minute or two until you feel comfortable jogging for 20 to 30 minutes straight.
Take your time and don’t overdo it in the early weeks. Pushing yourself too hard can be counterproductive or lead to injury. At first you might want to go three times per week. As you gradually build your endurance and your muscles you can safely add another day or two to your weekly schedule. Give your body the rest it needs and always stretch before and after your run. Many runners like to walk for 10 minutes after their run to cool down.
The price of gas seems to be going up again. Maybe this Spring is just the right time to get back on your bicycle for a great aerobic workout. If you haven’t been on a bike for a while. you might want to build confidence with some short-distance rides. If your journey takes you on highly traveled roads – wear something bright so drivers can easily see you.
When the weather is not exactly great for working out - many enjoy working out right in the comfort of home. Or, if you are pressed for time - enjoy your favorite TV show while you burn off some major calories on your very own Elliptical Trainer
Some ideas to help you get going:
1) View workouts as time for yourself, rather than as a chore. On days when you’re unmotivated, promise yourself to exercise for just ten minutes. After getting started, you’ll probably do much more.
2) Whether you want to lose a few pounds or enhance your physical performance, set yourself up for morale building victories by establishing short-term goals and rewarding yourself as you reach each milestone. Buy yourself a new outfit after you drop that first ten pounds. Or take the family out to your favorite eatery after you run your first complete mile – or two! Keep your goals reasonable and you’ll reach them sooner! Then, set new goals!
3) Vary your workouts with different exercises. Have you tried yoga or swimming? Many healthy fitness lovers enjoy the benefits from low-impact water exercises. Choose different exercise routines and gradually build your times and intensity. Or try a new sport. Give your body a variety of thrills and make it fun! Your fitness habits will be much easier and hopefully last you a lifetime – if you enjoy the journey!
4) See yourself accomplishing your goal. Visualize your success. Imagine how you’ll feel slipping into a new smaller size or walking down the beach in that really hot new swimsuit! Hang a picture of someone in a bikini on your refrigerator. Every time you go to the ice-box you’ll have a pleasant reminder to eat healthy foods!
5) Some even suggest taking pictures along the way to document your progress. Periodically review your results - You might be amazed!
You can enjoy life more leading a healthy lifestyle. If weight loss is your goal you can exercise and lose weight fast. Start getting in shape fast and enjoy the countless benefits of better fitness!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Eating Healthy Foods
Most healthy people - who have managed to lose weight and keep it off - will agree that eating healthy foods are vital to weight loss success. If you want quicker results - eat healthy, exercise and lose weight fast!
Eating healthy foods in moderation is the key! Those who have succeeded at the weight loss challenge suggest eating a variety of healthy foods - in moderation. They recommend not eating too much or too little of any particular food or nutrient.
And eating as wide a variety as possible from each of the five basic food groups. These groups are (1) whole grain bread, cereal, pasta, and rice; (2) vegetables; (3) fruits; (4) milk, yogurt and cheese; and (5) lean meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs, and nuts.
Weight loss can be such a balancing act - getting a moderate number of calories from each of the food groups. Then balancing calories consumed versus calories expended.
To lose weight, fewer calories should be consumed than expended. It's that simple! To maintain weight loss, the number of calories consumed and expended should be about the same. (Hint - don't quit those daily walks! )
Because fat is the most concentrated source of calories (9 calories per gram compared to 4 calories per gram for carbohydrate and protein), it is usually the focus of weight-maintenance and weight-loss diets. Limiting fat intake alone will likely limit calories, as well. Weight-conscious consumers should limit fat intake to no more than 30 percent of total calories.
Alcoholic beverages also are a source of calories (7 per gram of alcohol). Twelve ounces of regular beer, for example, provides 150 calories; the same amount of "light" beer, 105 calories. Five ounces of wine or 1.5 ounces of 80-proof distilled spirits provide 100 calories. But alcohol provides few, if any, nutrients, so if you drink alcoholic beverages and want to reduce your weight, consider reducing or eliminating your alcohol intake. ( Many healthy fitness lovers enjoy the heart healthy benefits found in red wines. A glass with your favorite meal is only around 100 calories and it does taste simply divine! )
So if you are thinking of losing some weight before swimsuit season arrives - eat smaller meals. Keep eating moderate amounts of healthy foods. And to really supercharge your results - exercise and lose weight fast!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Exercise, Build Muscle and Lose Weight Fast
Eating Healthy foods and getting plenty of vigorous exercise are the best way to get rid of belly fat and build leaner abs. Burn off excess body fat with lots of aerobic exercise. Start building muscle with strength training and some targeted exercise routines to strengthen your core. You can - over time - sculpt leaner, great-looking abs!
The foods we choose dictate the quality of fuel our body burns. Enjoying more lean proteins, complex carbohydrates and a wide variety of fruits and vegetables enables your body to burn energy most efficiently! Try to avoid or limit sugary and fried foods. Those calories are pretty much useless. Soda and ice cream and donuts are some of life's simple pleasures. And they usually end up stored in your body as fat.
Enjoying smaller healthy meals five or six times a day helps control the calories you take in and keeps you from feeling mid-afternoon fatigue. Digesting these healthy foods also uses up more energy so there are more chances to use up excess body fat.
Daily exercise is vital to speed up your metabolism. Exercise and strength training causes your body to burn more calories and fat! Try it for six weeks and you'll be sold on the benefits of daily aerobic exercise! Add in some weight or other strength training every other day and you will build muscles and burn even more fat! You can eat healthy foods, exercise and lose weight fast!
Start getting in shape fast and get rid of that belly fat!
Friday, April 17, 2009
The Best Way to Lose Belly Fat
The absolute quickest way to lose weight - and keep it off - requires two simple habits. Practice these habits daily for six weeks and you’ll lose weight and be on the road to much better health. Try these simple changes and you can realize incredible results!
Your New Habit #1: Exercise. Lots of vigorous exercise. Get your heart pumping. Running, Walking (fast), swimming, basketball, tennis, soccer, hockey. And - if you are like the millions who’d rather workout in the comfort of their homes- get some home exercise equipment. Millions of people use an extra room in their home for their own home gym! They lose weight, feel better, and look great. All without leaving the house to go to that expensive health club.
And Habit #2: Eating Healthy. This is where some people face real challenges. We all find it so easy to stop by the local fat-food drive-thru and grab a quick meal. The down side is the vast majority of their meals contain too much unhealthy fat.
Forget the fast-food jungle. Save your money and prepare your own, simple and nutritious meals. Load up on raw fruits and vegetables. Enjoy healthy fats. Get some protein early in the day! And then again at lunch time or mid afternoon. Don’t eat anything after 7:00Pm at night. If you do - make it something very low calorie - like celery or plain, air-popped popcorn!
These two habits - when practiced daily are the quickest way to lose weight. There are so many options for lasting, natural healthy weight loss. Those who get the best results find ways to make their workouts fun. Pop a funny movie in while you burn more calories on your TreadClimber. Enjoy a brisk walk with a favorite friend. Play some basketball or tennis with friends!
The best way to lose belly fat is burn it off. Massive calorie burning - over time - will chip away at that unhealthy fat which inevitably congregates around our mid-sections. Get some exercise each day. For the best results you might shoot for 20 to 30 minutes of vigorous exercise. If you are having fun - twenty minutes won’t be enough. You’ll want to play longer! Have fun! You are on your way to a slimmer, healthier look!
Cut out the unhealthy fats. Pass on the sweets and donuts. Get your carbs in the form of whole grains. Load up on fruits and more vegetables. Toss a little container of mixed veggies in your bag before you leave each day! Bring a banana and an apple. Keep a bowl of fresh fruit on the table! Toss - or hide - your candy stash!
Remember - the quickest way to lose weight and keep it off is with vigorous exercise and eating healthy foods! You can get rid of that belly! You can look younger and have tons more energy in a slimmer, healthier body!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Natural High Leads to Better Self Esteem
The facts are undeniable - You can get anything you want if you keep a positive mental attitude and work hard towards reaching your goal. Many athletes believe they will win! A reporter once asked Pete Rose how many times he expected to get a hit that day. His reply was - “every time I step up to the plate!”
You can achieve whatever goal you set. Write it down! Visualize your success! Then get to work on taking action in the direction of your desired results!
What’s getting in the way of your goals? Keep focused on your goal. Whether your goal is to lose weight, get in better shape, win a golf tournament, just get out there and do it. Stay focused on and keep moving towards your goal. Take action every day! And its OK to miss a day. Everybody needs rest!
Get out your planner and schedule yourself for some kind of physical activity for 30 minutes a day. Shoot for five times a week. Many successful athletes work out 6 or 7 days a week for 3 or even more hours a day!
Revisit the goals you set for yourself and evaluate your progress regularly. If you set a goal to walk each morning but are having trouble fitting it in before work, see if you can shift your work hours or if you can get your walk in at lunchtime or after work. Evaluate which parts of your plan are working well and which ones need tweaking. Then rewrite your goals and plan accordingly.
Take pride in your efforts - you have the right to feel proud for just being out there! Have fun with whatever exercise routine you go for. Try new things. A variety of workouts and exercises will help you maintain a better balanced physique! Take up a new sport - or two. Work hard at having fun! Then it won't seem like work at all!
You can reshape your body into a leaner, sexier body with plenty of energy for just about any pursuit. People will start to notice. You’ll have a renewed vigor for life and have a much better attitude. Your self esteem and your confidence will grow by leaps and bounds!
Try it for a month. Work Out as many days as you possibly can. Keep eating healthy foods and getting plenty of exercise! You’ll soon be hooked! Start Getting in Shape Fast and watch your energy and zest for life reach new highs! You’ll experience a natural high!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Beating Stress with Fitness
Are you stressed out? Do you ever find yourself wishing you had less stress? Or fewer worries ?
Almost every medical expert will tell you stress is just a fact of life! A certain amount stress is unavoidable.
All we can do - is try to avoid stress, escape from it or deal with it! One time honored way to deal with and even minimize stress is with exercise. Daily exercise is proven to elevate your mood and help your body produce beneficial chemical reactions in your brain which help you deal better with stress!
Fitness is the best defense against stress. Can you find time in your busy schedule to get some exercise - preferably outdoors? Some time spent enjoying nature is another way to calm your nerves and help minimize stress! Make yourself your number one priority - Get healthy and stay that way. Enjoy a healthy lifestyle and a little time with nature as often as you can!
Eating certain healthy foods can also help lift your spirits and help you deal better with stress! Try a handful of walnuts and blueberries after lunch. Have a small piece of dark chocolate to give yourself a much needed boost! If you're like me you might love your morning coffee. Enjoy a cup or two of your favorite coffee and enjoy some green tea over the course of your day. Tea can help calm your nerves and green tea is good for you!
So if you want a little more out of life - and want to reduce your stress - exercise most days of the week and keep eating healthy foods!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Preventing injury
Nothing is more frustrating than finally getting involved in a sport or activity you enjoy, only to hurt yourself and be forced into a prolonged rehabilitation period. Although some injuries may be unavoidable, proper conditioning and attention to the details of warm-ups, cool-downs, and stretching will help keep you off the disabled list.
Preventing injuries requires both common sense and careful preparation. By following a few basic principles, you can help ensure that your activity wont put you out of commission.
* Warm Up: This is the number one tenet of injury prevention, consisting of three to five minutes of low-level activity followed by a few minutes of stretching.
* Stay Flexible: Stretching during the warm-up and cooldown phases will help prevent muscle pulls and strains, as well as the general aches and pains that can occur after exercising.
* Build Gradually: Start out slowly and build up gradually in intensity and duration of activity. Weekend athletes are famous for trying to do too much, too soon. Dont fall into this trap.
* Be Prepared: Use the right equipment for your sport, whether its a good pair of running shoes, or knee pads for roller-blading. Be sure its in good condition and is appropriate for your skill level (e.g., skis for beginners vs. experts).
* Rehydrate: Water is the best sports drink and you should drink plenty of it before, during and after exercise especially in warm weather. Keep drinking it throughout the day.
* Avoid Extremes: Try not to exercise outdoors in extreme hot or cold weather, but, if you do, be sure to dress properly. Use caution against heat exhaustion or, at the other extreme, frostbite. As the weather gets warmer keep some water handy.
* Cool Down: Gradually decrease the intensity of your activity to restore a normal heart rate. Always do some slow stretches after you cool down. These few minutes you spend stretching does wonders for keeping your muscles flexible and healthy!
Friday, April 3, 2009
The Four Pieces of the Fitness Pie!
Fitness might be thought of in terms of four specific goals. If you focus a little each day on improving in each of these four areas you'll soon be in much better shape!
Endurance builds your energy and “staying power.” It results from exercise that makes you breathe hard, like running or jogging or other aerobic activity. If you've been inactive for a while - you might start by walking as far as you can. And, as fast as you can! The faster your walking pace, the more calories you burn!
Strength comes from building muscles. Building muscles helps you burn more calories - long after you've stopped exercising!
Balance training can help prevent you from falling. Squats, standing on one foot, getting up from a chair without your hands or arms, or simply walking heel to toe help train your brain to balance. Many fitness enthusiasts are using exercise balls to help enhance their balance and increase the effectiveness of their workouts!
Flexibility is what you gain from regular light stretching exercises. Stretching your muscles is important for healthy muscle growth. Try to breathe slow and deep while you are stretching. Take your time. Slow stretches are far more effective!
For the best overall fitness - get some exercise each day and keep eating healthy foods! You'll be on the road to more fun and less stress enjoying a healthy lifestyle!
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