Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Will to Win

Do you ever wish you could turn back the clock and once again enjoy the slim, toned, healthy body you had in younger years? Do you find yourself dreaming of a better life - one filled with more fun and happiness? Maybe you just want to fit into last year's jeans? Or wish you could revive that spark you and your special loved one used to enjoy at the drop of a hat ( or another piece of clothing! ).

Good news! You can enjoy a renewed sense of vitality and vigor. You can have more energy and more fun in your life.  

Start today! Do something - Anything that gets you up and moving your body for at least 20 minutes.

Out of shape? Out of practice? Start small. Do what feels OK for you. No need to run a marathon - or even a mile - today. Just start. Walk that mile. Run as far as you can and walk the rest. Get your heart pumping. Feel your lunges as they suck in more air than you thought possible!

Push yourself a little. Your limits are most likely farther out there than you might imagine! Be sure to stretch and focus on your breathing. If you get too winded - slow down your pace a little.

Slow growth is often the best. You may have taken years to get into the shape you find yourself today! Don't expect to shed that pot-belly in one week.

And this brings us to point 2. Stick with it. Every day! Do something. Walk. Run. Ride your Bike. Get a jump rope and some small hand weights.

Try a new sport - or 2 or 3! Variety will help you achieve a better overall fitness level.

The key is - just get started. Get the ball rolling. And then, keep it up. Keep your fitness level near the top of your list of priorities! Develop the will to win a better life for yourself. Then get moving!

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