Saturday, October 9, 2010

Making Lemonade out of Life's Lemons

    Several years ago I had the chance to work for an amazing boss. When times got tough and our workload seemed overwhelming - He loved to tell us "Every challenge produces an opportunity". He could easily have been a spokesman for the Optimists Club. He chose not to use the word - problem - opting instead for "challenge". Our esteemed and beloved Chief of Staff was the most positive, forward thinking manager I'd ever met. 

    Luckily, I was working under his ever watchful eye when personal tragedy struck. No one enjoys going through a divorce. ( Except for the attorneys who so happily capitalize on your misfortune! )

    Going through my divorce was giving me cause for many a sleepless night. I never  imagined that out of this stress and sorrow  I could become stronger, and much healthier. During the course of a few quite stressful months while agonizing over the loss of my wife I managed to lose over forty pounds and around six inches off my waistline. My upper body was taking shape and beginning to look better than ever. I still had yet to acquire the six-pack abs we all see in the  health and fitness magazines. Those took a few more months. ( Quite a few! )

    The journey began in early January. I had enrolled in the local college to do some grad work. They had a pretty decent health center with a nice running track and a smaller weight room that didn't ever seem to fill up. A nice young lady on the rowing team showed me the correct way to use the rowing machine. And it didn't take long observing the technique of the more experienced weight lifters to see how to use the Universal weight machine.

Three days a week I'd work on my upper body. The other days I'd work my legs. Sit-ups and crunches became a daily regimen. And every day included at least three miles on that nice, cushioned indoor track. When spring arrived and the weather was nice I started running outside. My daily commute to the gym  dwindled to three days a week.

Sundays were always a day of rest. No running or weights. My morning walk was a daily pleasure. Sunday evening often afforded me the time to get in another walk - a second helping of that excellent stress reliever!

There was a silver cloud in the midst of all this sorrow and longing for the love I'd somehow screwed up. I managed to find a little piece of mind and loads of stress relief in my new-found healthy habits. I hope you won't suffer through a divorce anytime soon - or ever for that matter! Don't wait for tragedy or loss before starting your healthy habits. 

Make some lemonade out of your lemons. Get some exercise every day - or at least most days of the week. You'll have far less stress and build your self esteem during even the most difficult times!

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