Friday, October 22, 2010

Find Your Motivation

  What motivates you? Is it the family you love and care for? That special loved one maybe? You know - that certain person who really lights you up. Do you wish you could enjoy a better quality of life with your loved ones?

Maybe you simply want to look hot in your favorite outfit this year at Christmas - or on the beach over you Winter break.

The good news is you can enjoy a much better quality of life. You Can look hot in the great looking sweater this Christmas. You can fit into that hot little outfit on the beach in January!

Now, go look in the mirror and try to decide what parts of your body you want to slim down or bulk up. Think you might need to shed a few pounds before the Holiday party season gets into full swing? Maybe you'd like to tighten up your stomach or butt. Maybe tone your upper body and arms.

Set your sights on a realistic 4 week goal. Make it simple and realistic. How about "I will walk for one hour every morning before the children get up." or  "I will avoid sugary snacks and soda entirely  until New Years Eve" ( Its OKAY if you cheat now and then - everyone does it!  Just make sure you pay yourself back - cut your simple carbs and run for 30 minutes the next day!)

Get a mental picture of how you want to look at Christmas - or by Spring Break. Visualize your goal. Think about how great you'll feel - and look! Now set your mind to take action. And - like the old Nike ad used to say - "Just Do It". Start today. Cut some useless calories from your daily diet! ( You know what they are - the stuff we all love and yet know that they really aren't doing us any good. )

Tomorrow morning - wake up early and hit the street for a long walk or run. Grab a basketball and head out for the nearest playground. Play until you can't possibly run another length of the court! Head out for quick ride on your bicycle - and bring a friend! Or take your little ones to the local park and chase them around for some great fun in the outdoors! Your possibilities are practically endless.

Decide to reach your fitness goal - and act now! Take time for your fitness fun every day!  Be a little selfish if you have to! You'll soon be thanking your lucky stars for time you invest in yourself and your loved one(s). Do it for them. Show your loved ones how to enjoy living a healthy lifestyle. Show them good clean fun - where they too can enjoy the benefits of regular exercise!

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