Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Journey to a Better Life

  A noted author and wise Doctor in the late 1800s offered the following idea:

"The people you see waiting in the lobbies of doctors' offices are, in a vast majority of cases, suffering through poisoning caused by an excess of food. Coupled with this goes the bad results of imperfect breathing, irregular sleep, lack of exercise, and improper use of stimulants, or holding the thought of fear, jealousy and hate.

All of these things, or any one of them, will, in very many persons, cause fever, chills, cold feet, congestion and faulty elimination."

His prescription for better lifelong health appears simple:


Sleep well,

Refrain from excess and improper use of stimulants,

Breathe well, and

Think good thoughts.

His suggestions for better overall health are nothing new. He later quotes famous writers from centuries long past:

"The one theme of _Ecclesiastes_ is moderation. Buddha wrote it down that the greatest word in any language is Equanimity. William Morris said that the finest blessing of life was systematic, useful work. Saint Paul declared that the greatest thing in the world was love. Moderation, Equanimity, Work and Love--you need no other physician.

Nature is forever trying to keep people well, and most so-called "disease," which word means merely lack of ease, is self-limiting, and tends to cure itself. If you have appetite, do not eat too much. If you have no appetite, do not eat at all. Be moderate in the use of all things, save fresh air and sunshine."

Life is short. Don't you owe it to yourself and your children to live better and share our good health with those we love most?  Encourage your children and loved ones to enjoy nature, play more and worry less. Exercise does wonders for your outlook and your attitude. If we lead by example we both win! A healthy body most often leads to a healthy mind.

Now, I’m no PhD or decorated scholar. You don’t have to be either. Just try a few, simple and fundamental changes to your daily life and soon you can see amazing results in your fitness level. And, while you're at it - share the good news with your children. Show them more fun. Spend time with those you love most and embrace healthy habits together. Give them two of the best gifts anyone can offer - your love and the gift of healthy living!

Take the steps. Start today. Start your own journey to better health and fitness.

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