Saturday, July 3, 2010

Exercise - The Road to a Healthier Body

Take two boys, as nearly alike as possible. Place one in the country away from the hothouse culture and refinements of the city, with only the district school, the Sunday school, and a few books. Remove wealth and props of every kind; and, if he has the right kind of material in him, he will thrive. Every obstacle overcome lends him strength for the next conflict. If he falls, he rises with more determination than before. Like a rubber ball, the harder the obstacle he meets the higher he rebounds.

Obstacles and opposition are but apparatus of the gymnasium in which the fibres of his manhood are developed. He compels respect and recognition from those who have ridiculed his poverty. Put the other boy in a Vanderbilt family. Give him French and German nurses; gratify every wish. Place him under the tutelage of great masters and send him to Harvard. Give him thousands a year for spending money, and let him travel extensively.

The two meet. The city lad is ashamed of his country brother. The plain, threadbare clothes, hard hands, tawny face, and awkward manner of the country boy make  sorry contrast with the genteel appearance of the other. The poor boy bemoans his hard lot, regrets that he has "no chance in life," and envies the city youth.

He thinks that it is a cruel Providence that places such a wide gulf between them. They meet again as men, but how changed! It is as easy to distinguish the sturdy, self-made man from the one who has been propped up all his life by wealth, position, and family influence, as it is for the shipbuilder to tell the difference between the plank from the rugged mountain oak and one from the sapling of the forest. If you think there is no difference, place each plank in the bottom of a ship, and test them in a hurricane at sea.

Athletes don't carry the gymnasium away with him, but he carries the skill and muscles which give him his reputation.

The most beautiful as well as the strongest characters are not developed over night. Consistent healthy habits  practiced and developed over time bring great results. Want a tighter belly? Want stronger arms and sexy looking chest? Develop your strength gradually with consistent and strenuous muscle building workouts.

   It is rugged necessity, it is the struggle to obtain, it is poverty the priceless spur, that develops the stamina of manhood, and calls the race out of barbarism. Labor found the world a wilderness and has made it a garden.

The law of adaptation  is simple and well known. It is that which callouses the palm of the oarsman, strengthens the waist of the wrestler, fits the back to its burden.

If you want a tighter, sexier and slimmer body type you have to work your muscles.  Feed your body a healthy assortment of natural foods - avoiding as much as possible anything filled with high fructose corn syrup. Resist the temptation to indulge yourself with useless calories found in comfort foods. Enjoy eating healthy foods and a daily regimen of exercise.

You really can exercise and lose weight fast.

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