Sunday, July 18, 2010

Want Lasting Weight Loss?

"To lengthen thy life, lessen thy meals."           Benjamin Franklin

Health experts and fitness buffs alike have known the secret of healthy, lasting weight loss for centuries. There are but two simple rules to follow.

1. Enjoy Eating Healthy Foods.

2. Exercise every day or,  at  least 5 days a week.

Take an honest look at where you are today - in terms of your weight and body shape. If you are happy with your current shape and size - that's great! A half hour of daily exercise is probably all you'll need to stay at or near your ideal body weight. As long as you enjoy a balanced and sensible diet of healthy foods!

Or, maybe you are like the millions of Americans who would probably like to shed some weight and lose a few inches around their waistlines.

No Worries!!  Join the Club!!  You're not alone!  You can rest easy tonight knowing that 2 simple habits - practiced daily - will lead you to a slimmer, healthier body!

Start your new life and new habits with a healthy breakfast every day! Get some protein and complex carbs early in the day. Enjoy more healthy eating choices throughout the day. Some experts suggest eating 4-6 small meals a day to optimize your metabolism and keep your body energized and in balance. Don't deny yourself treats, but make sure that the majority of your food choices are high in nutrients, fiber, "good fats," and lean protein.

Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day. Just a 15 or 20 minutes more can make a real difference in your health. Play with your children at the park after work. Jump rope, walk, roller blade or play basketball with your friends. Park the car farther away from your destination and get in a few minutes of brisk walking. Always take the stairs instead of the elevator. Walk or ride bikes with your family after dinner.

Get in some exercise while watching your favorite show.  Try sit-ups, push-ups and leg lifts to get your body moving while watching a funny comedy. You'll burn even more calories while you laugh! Add hand weights or use a stationary bicycle, treadmill or try indoor rowing to make the most of your TV time.

Health experts agree - the quickest way to lose weight and keep it off is with a daily regimen of exercise and healthy eating!

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