Friday, May 30, 2008

Have more fun this Summer!

"He lets me rest in green grass" goes the 23rd Psalm. Summer days are lazy and fun. What a wonderful time of year we are embarking on! Make the most of your Summer - start spending a little time each day just for you. Pamper yourself. Get some exercise. Make it a new habit. Make having fun a daily habit!

Summer equals fun. Summer is the perfect time to get outside and have fun. And start your journey towards getting fit. Building muscles and exercise just seems more fun in the good old Summer time!

Don’t delay - start today! Start exercising and losing weight fast! You will be on the road to a leaner, sexier body in practically no time! The experts agree - the quickest way to lose weight fast is with daily exercise and a healthy diet!

Life is too short. Enjoy it. Play more. Worry less. Exercise does wonders for your attitude. A healthy body leads to a healthy mind. This is well documented and proven science. Just try a few, simple changes to your habits and you will see amazing results in your fitness level.

Take the steps. Start today. Any action in the direction of your goal for better health will help get you rolling. Once you start you build momentum. Exercise a little more each day until you build up to thirty minutes a day. You'll start to see results soon! Remember to make it fun. And vary your workouts.

Vary your workout - try to enjoy different activities - swimming, rowing, walking. Ride a bike! Remember how fun it is. Make sure you choose a fun activity that you can enjoy daily! Play different sports. Invite a friend to play golf - or tennis. Go for a jog. Enroll in a water aerobics class.

The choices are bountiful. Just DO something. Every day. And give yourself a reward for the progress you’re bound to make! Remember - the quickest way to lose weight fast is with exercise and healthy eating.

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