Source: via Lene on Pinterest
1. If your present workouts are getting boring or just plain not gettin er done - you may want to shake things up a bit. Quite a bit! Try a totally new routine. Include some fast paced, heart-pumping cardio earlier in your workout.
2. This one is real hard for many of us. Don't worry - you're not alone. You simply have to change your diet. If you want a better looking physique - you simply must eat the proper foods. a couple eggs in the morning with some spinach and a banana. Make your own smoothy with greek yogurt, some berries and a healthy table-spoon of chia seeds. Cut out all sugar and refined grains.
3. drink more water. And totally eliminate soda. a glass or two of dark red wine every week may not be too bad. Give up beer until you reach your desired weight. ( I know - you can shoot me for even suggesting this one!! )
4. Get at least 7 hours of restful, undisturbed sleep every night. ( New parents have an automatic bye on this one. )
5. Try 5 or 6 days of healthy cardio every week. Not slow walking. ( Unless you don't mind waiting for your results. ) Hey, walking is a great way to de-stress and even burn a few calories. And, if you want to see results sooner - start running or tearing up the streets on your bike!
6. Weight machines are nice. We've all tried them with varying degrees of success. Try adding some simple, time-honored exercises to your daily schedule. Push-ups are an awesome exercise for sculpting stronger abs. Jumping rope and even the good old Jumping Jack are effective ways to shed those unwanted inches.
Remember - sometimes simple habit changes can yield awesome results!