Saturday, May 14, 2011

Your Best Summer Ever

     Schools letting out and the arrival of Memorial Day can only mean one thing - Summer is time for Fun! Why not make the most of your Summer in a slimmer trimmed and toned body? Want to enjoy your Summer more? Want more energy to savor every bit of Summer fun?

   Simple changes in your habits can help you enjoy your best Summer ever! Three habits are key to having your best Summer break ever.

Exercise every day. Or, at least 5 days out of every week. Daily exercise will kick into gear those endorphins that help you enjoy life more. These miracle chemicals usually lead to more happy days and far fewer stressful days! The harder you exercise - the better your results will be! ( Up to a point - Don't over do it. Your body will let you know when to back off a bit - or take a break! )

Enjoy the healthy variety of natural foods available over the Summer months. Take advantage of all the fresh fruits and vegetables available in season during the Summer. Hit the nearest farmer's market and pick up some locally grown fruits and veggies. Buy organic for even healthier Summer meals!

And don't forget to give your body - and your mind - the rest they both need to function best. Try to get at least 7 hours of sleep every night. Multiple studies suggest any less than 7 hours of sleep for the average adult can lead to health problems eventually. So do yourself a favor and make some time for sleep and relaxation. Your mind and body will thank you!

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