Wednesday, March 9, 2011

For Better Results - Pick up the Pace

Do you ever find yourself wishing you could see the results of your weight loss efforts a little quicker? Maybe you'd like to shed a few more pounds before Spring Break. Would you like to drop a dress size or two before Summer arrives?

Good News! Simply pick up the pace during your workouts. Varying your pace can help your body burn more calories.

Pick any cardio exercise you enjoy ( like running, swimming, rowing, or even your treadmill). Warm up for 2 minutes at a moderate pace, then pick up the pace and put her into really high gear for 30 seconds. Shoot for the highest intensity you can safely manage.

Then - Slow down and do a couple minutes at a slower, more normal pace so you can begin to catch-your-breath.

Gradually pick up the pace again for a minute or two, then back off again for a few minutes. Slowly return to a more comfortable pace. ( This might take a few minutes - depending on the length of your workout and how much time you need to recover. )

Repeat these steps eight or ten times. You'll maximize your weight loss and muscle growth while you burn more calories in less time! You really can exercise and lose weight fast!

Combine weight or resistance training with flexibility and aerobics to burn fat even faster! Pick up the pace and you too can sculpt a leaner, sexier looking body before swimsuit season! Health and fitness experts agree - the quickest way to lose weight is with daily exercise and a healthy diet!

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