Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Habits for a Better Life

The benefits you can realize from getting in better physical shape are reason enough to start or continue your own fitness program. No need to hire a personal trainer or join that fancy pants health club. You can enjoy better health and fitness by adopting just a handful of healthy habits.

Try these habits for the next 4 weeks and see for yourself:

1 Get at least 6 or 7 hours of sleep every night. ( If you are under age 20 - try for 9 hours of good sleep every night. )

"Yeah right" you may be thinking. Find a way! Heart Doctors say your heart lasts longer with a more sleep! Plus, your muscles need rest to rejuvenate!

2 Eat a healthy variety of natural foods. Skip the fast ( or should we say fat ) food temptation and opt instead for more fruits and vegetables every day! Enjoy some heart healthy cold water fresh caught salmon a couple times a week. Feed your body the healthy , natural fuels it needs.

3 Exercise - in some form - every day. Walking is a great way to start. Try a variety of sports and routines. Whatever you find you like. Invite a friend - enjoy healthy activities with your family. This just might become your favorite new habit!

4. Just get started. Set a goal for yourself for this week. Make it realistic and something you can actually do. Like "I will walk at lunch every day this week." Then do it. No excuses. Soon you'll find ways to make sure you get your daily exercise time.

Next month make your goal(s) a little bit harder. Walk or run a little farther. Get up a few minutes earlier if you can ( without sacrificing your nightly 7 hours of sleep ) and do some early morning exercise. Don't forget to stretch! Grab a protein rich breakfast and you'll be starting your day like the pros.

5. Learn how to stretch. Focus on the muscle(s) you are stretching and go slow. Breathe slowly and deep while you concentrate on how your body feels. Millions of healthy ( and skinny ) people around globe have discovered the joy of Yoga. That might be worth a few hours in a class or grab a free video at your local library and follow along.

Health professionals agree - if you want to enjoy life more and live longer - your odds are much better if you get some exercise most days of the week!

For the best results - try a balanced approach. Combine weight or resistance training every other day with daily aerobic exercise - like running, walking or even riding your bike!

Start building muscles and getting in shape - fast! You'll probably live longer and enjoy life more!

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