Saturday, March 6, 2010

Work Hard - Exercise and Lose Weight Fast!

There is no great mountain in the world that has a natural, smooth road with an easy grade all the way to the top. Losing weight and getting in better shape often requires some hard work. It involves getting around, or going over, or removing obstacles that block your path.

Everyone encounters similar difficulties, obstacles, and resistance on the road to better health and fitness. If you cannot pass them, your ambition or willpower might suffer.

Persevere. Don't ever quit the journey.

Many successful weight loss and fitness experts will tell you in order to assure your success you must develop little tricks to help you overcome the nearly inevitable obstacles.

Put a picture of a skinny - good looking celebrity on your refrigerator. Or a helpful, encouraging quote. These will remind you of your quest when you find yourself hitting the freezer for that late night carton of Ben and Jerry's.

Frequently affirm your desire. Tell yourself everyday "I am losing 2 pounds this week and 20 pounds before Summer finally comes around". Experts suggest that these positive affirmations really do help you succeed. Make them specific - "I'm losing 2 pounds this week!" ( And it helps if you keep them within reason. Don't try to lose ten pounds in 1 week - that is too hard on your body and rarely sustainable. )

If you believe you can - you can exercise and lose weight fast. Your can overcome those never ending bumps in the road and cruise to better health and a leaner, sexier body!

Work hard - exercise every day if you can. Eat plenty of protein and keep your metabolism at an optimum level for burning more calories. Simple habits - practiced daily have lead to awesome results. Try it! What have you got to lose - except a few unhealthy habits and a few inches around your waistline.

Visualize yourself looking great at the beach or your favorite vacation spot this Summer! See yourself looking hot in that sexy little bikini. You can shed those extra pounds and tighten up your abs!

The best way to lose belly fat - and keep it off is with a healthy balance of aerobic exercise and strength training! Focus on losing those extra pounds.

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