Thursday, April 17, 2008

How to naturally lose weight fast

Many of us wonder how to naturally lose weight fast. No diet pills. No fad diets. Just a solid, time honored and realistic plan, please. You don't need pills. Fad diets might help in the short term. That's great. Long term natural weight loss requires a better - healthier approach!

Nutrition and fitness experts agree - your diet has a big impact on your exercise performance. You need to consume enough of the proper nutrients which give you the energy to maintain a healthy body weight and provide the energy you need for your activity level. Eating healthy reduces your risk of getting a chronic disease. Active people need more carbohydrate and protein than those who choose a more sedentary, less active lifestyle. If you exercise regularly - you'll need to watch your diet and avoid restricting your fat intake too much. Everyone needs to consume some fat. Try to consume the healthy fats like those found in avocados, walnuts and salmon. Drink lots of water and replace those fluids lost during exercise.

In order to remain physically active while dieting, your diet needs to provide adequate carbohydrate for glycogen replacement and enough protein for the maintenance and repair of lean tissue. Don't worry about skimping too much. You need to fuel your muscle growth. Building muscles helps you burn more calories long after your workout is over!

Compared to your less active counterparts, your diet requires additional fluid to cover sweat losses, energy to fuel physical activity, protein for building and repair of muscle tissue, and carbohydrate for the replacement of muscle glycogen. In some cases the need for other nutrients also increases (e.g., B-complex, antioxidant vitamins, iron). As more energy is used during exercise, you need to fuel your body with the proper nutrients.

As your energy requirements increase, your goal should be to consume more nutrient-dense carbohydrate-based food groups (e.g., whole grain breads and cereals, vegetables, and fruits) and lean protein sources (e.g., lean meats, fish, poultry, dairy, legumes). Your aim should be to increase energy intake to maintain weight using nutrient-dense foods. Healthy foods that provide vitamins and minerals. Try to avoid high-fat and sugar based foods.

Timing of your meals is also important. Eating sensibly before you exercise assures that there is enough energy to fuel your workout, while eating after exercise will help refuel your body. A healthy post-exercise meal helps you replace muscle glycogen and repair muscle tissue damage. Keep eating right and building those muscles. You'll be on your way to lose weight naturally. Burn more calories faster and shed those excess pounds.

Keep eating healthy and you'll have the energy you need to exercise and start getting in shape fast.

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