Friday, October 5, 2012

Eating Healthy

Are you wondering what happened to that skinny waistline you had in college? In earlier times the human diet consisted of more natural food. People tended to eat less - and were generally more active. Since those past generations lacked the wide array of appealing snacks and fast foods - they tended to eat less junk and more natural food.

Healthy food choices are a key piece of your overall health. There are natural healthy eating choices you can start making today that will help you get back that skinny waistline! Go back in time and enjoy more foods natural to the human body.”

Those of us who enjoy foods laden with sugar and high fructose corn syrup are more likely to overeat. The next time you go shopping for food - read the labels. If one of the first 5 ingredients is high fructose corn syrup - put that product back on the shelf. There is usually a healthier alternative.

Obesity is growing at an alarming rate in many parts of the world- due in large part to the foods we have grown so fond of. We can reverse this trend. There are two keys to losing weight naturally.

If you want more energy and power, longer lasting endurance, and a generally less stressful life - make healthy choices. Turn off the TV and go outside. Run - or walk - around your neighborhood. Head out for a fun-filled evening of your favorite sport. Try something new. Enjoy a variety of healthy, outdoor fun and keep eating healthy foods!

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