Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Lose Your Belly This Year

    Another Year - another chance to enjoy life more and get our bodies into better shape! If you're like many of us this January you may be intent upon losing a few pounds this year. You may have decided that this is the year when you shed those extra inches around your waistline and enjoy a slimmer shape!

Well - the good news is you can lose belly fat and that extra weight you may be carrying around!  For those of us in North America Summer is 5 months away! That gives you 20 weeks to take the simple steps needed to whip your body into much better shape!

Experts agree - the best way to lose belly fat is with a consistent regimen of aerobic exercise. You'll need to watch what you eat over the coming months as well.

Two simple habits - practiced daily - can help you reach your goal before all the summer fun! You can look good at the beach this year. You can have more energy and way more fun. Why not start your journey today?

Set your sights on what you want to accomplish. Hang a picture on your refrigerator of someone with the kind of body shape you most admire or wish for.   Keep it as a constant reminder of how you want to look this Summer! Then stock your refrigerator with healthy fruits and vegetables! Throw out anything with corn sweetener or high fructose corn syrup.

Start your day with a protein rich breakfast. Try an egg-white omelet with some chopped spinach! Give the bacon away to charity! Who needs all those chemicals and nitrates? Not you or me! ( And I love bacon with my eggs! )

Buy some whole wheat or double fiber bread. Be sure you check the label and make sure there is no high fructose corn sweetener.

Now after you've started your day the healthy way - get some heart pounding exercise! Do it every day if you can. Try to work your body hard at least five days out of every week!

You really can lose those extra inches this year. You can enjoy a year filled with more energy and more fun. Start today! If you want to look slim and toned at the beach this Summer - the best way to lose belly fat is with these two simple habits!

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