Sunday, December 12, 2010

Winter Workout WonderLand!

    This Weekend many in North America are feeling an early taste of Winter! If you plan to head outdoors today for your daily run - you may want to warm up indoors, before exposing yourself to the frigid air.  When you warm up indoors you'll reduce the strain on your heart. You'll probaly feel better about venturing outside as well, because you'll be warm already.

   Running - or any outdoor activity can put extra strain on your heart as it tries to pump blood to your extremities. Walking will help relieve some of this strain by dilating the  blood vessels in your legs. The trick is to warm up slowly, to allow your body to adjust to the coldness.

    If you don't warm up when it's freezing outside, you could set yourself up for severe chest pain or worse - like a heart attack. 

    Before you head out into the Winter Wonderland you may want to dress in layers. Wearing multiple layers enables you to adjust your attire as you go, according to the weather and your level of activity.

    For your inner layer (the one closest to your skin), try light wool blend long-johns or cotton thermals. Some avid runners are using  garments made from a synthetic fabric such as polypropylene, which wicks away perspiration from your body.

   Then add an insulating layer - like a nice warm sweater, or hooded sweatshirt for warmth. Many Winter running enthusiasts find the new synthetic fabrics do a better job of keeping you warm and dry than either wool or cotton. If that works for you - fine! The key is to wear enough layers to keep you both comfortably warm without preventing you from moving freely!

    If you're getting snow or sleet , wear an outer layer that protects you from wind and rain. If you can - choose a fabric that's waterproof. Keep that cold ice and snow away from the inner layers!

    If you're like many of us you may prefer working out in the warmth and safety of home! ( Why get all bundled up and drive miles through the arctic air to a fancy healthy club? ) Get yourself some simple home fitness equipment and put a favorite comedy in the DVD player! Enjoy yourself while you work off those extra pounds!


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