Sunday, May 2, 2010

Keep on Dancin

If you want to accomplish any goal, You've got to Keep on Dancin!

Whether you hope to lose 5 pounds or 25 - keep on taking action toward making your mark. If you want any success in life - from a better looking body to greater wealth and riches - you have to keep moving!

Why not make it fun? You are far more likely to reach any goal if you are having fun. Find a favorite sport - or two or three! Mix up your workouts - you won't get bored and your body will get a better overall tone.

Mix in some strength training with your daily run or walk. Have access to a pool? Swimming is a great, low impact cardio workout! If the weather is nice - dust off your bicycle and get your heart while you enjoy some fresh air and the wind in your face.

Life is short. Why not enjoy every day as much as you can? Sneak in a little time for you! Get in some exercise and you'll be on the road to more energy, more fun and a much better self esteem. Try it - you'll be hooked. Start getting in shape and watch your outlook improve.

Start having more fun. Keep on Dancin!!

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