Thursday, May 20, 2010

Start Today - Your New Life is Calling

Who waits until the wind shall silent keep, Who never finds the ready hour to sow, Who watcheth clouds, will have no time to reap. —Helen Hunt Jackson.

There is nobody whom Fortune does not visit once in his life; but when she finds he is not ready to receive her, she goes in at the door, and out through the window.  Opportunity is coy. The careless, the slow, the unobservant, the lazy fail to see it, or clutch at it when it has gone. The sharp fellows detect it instantly, and catch it when on the wing.

The utmost which can be said about the matter is, that circumstances will, and do combine to help men at some periods of their lives, and combine to thwart them at others. Thus much we freely admit; but there is no fatality in these combinations, neither any  such thing as "luck" or "chance," as commonly understood. They come and go like all other opportunities and occasions in life, and if they are seized upon and made the most of, the man whom they benefit is fortunate; but if they are neglected and allowed to pass by unimproved, he is unfortunate.

"Charley," says Moses H. Grinnell to a clerk born in New York City, "take my overcoat tip to my house on Fifth Avenue." Mr. Charley takes the coat, mutters something about "I'm not an errand boy. I came here to learn business," and moves reluctantly. Mr. Grinnell sees it, and at the same time one of his New England clerks says, "I'll take it up." "That is right, do so," says Mr. G., and to himself he says, "that boy is smart, he will work," and he gives him plenty to do. He gets promoted, gets the confidence of business men as well as of his employers, and is soon known as a successful man.

The youth who starts out in life determined to make the most of his eyes and let nothing escape him which he can possibly use for his own advancement, who keeps his ears open for every sound that can help him on his way, who keeps his hands open that he may clutch every opportunity, who is ever on the alert for everything which can help him to get on in the world, who seizes every experience in life and grinds it up  into paint for his great life's picture, who keeps his heart open that he may catch every noble impulse and everything which may inspire him, will be sure to live a successful life; there are no ifs or ands about it. If he has his health, nothing can keep him from success.

Take up the experience of every man or woman who has made a mark in sports over the last hundred years, and it has been the sterling qualities of the home training that have constituted the success of later years.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

How to Improve Your Self Esteem

Want Better Self Esteem? Ever wish you could improve your outlook? or be happier?

Start getting in shape fast and you’ll enjoy a  healthier outlook and body! All while getting rid of excess body fat! Building muscles helps you burn more calories all day – for hours after your workout. Regular aerobic exercise improves your cardio endurance, the ability of your heart, lungs, blood vessels and associated tissues to use oxygen to produce energy. Together – aerobic exercise and building muscles with strength training, explode your energy and help you develop a much healthier, leaner body!

In addition to aerobic exercise, supplement your exercise plan with muscle strengthening and stretching exercises. The stronger your muscles, the longer you will be able to keep going during aerobic activity, and the less chance of injury.

Scientific research confirms that building muscles with strengthening exercises are both safe and effective for women and men of all ages, including those of us who may not be in perfect health. Scientist have found that people with health concerns—including heart disease or arthritis—quite often benefit the most from an exercise program that includes weight training several times a week.

Strength training, especially in conjunction with regular aerobic exercise, can also have a profound impact on a person’s mental and emotional health! Getting in shape fast leads you to feel better about about yourself. You’ll notice improved self esteem and a better attitude!

Strength training is crucial to weight control, because individuals who have more muscle mass have a higher metabolic rate. Muscle is active tissue that consumes calories while stored fat uses very little energy. Strength training can provide up to a 15% increase in metabolic rate, which is enormously helpful for weight loss and long-term weight control.

 Do you have an extra room or some unused space in your basement? Invest in some simple home fitness gear and turn that empty space into your very own fitness center. Watch your spirits soar and your health improve. To burn more calories and speed up your results – try a combination of aerobic exercise and strength training. Walk – briskly, or as fast as you can – at least four days a week. Add three days of weights. Always take a day off between your strength ( weight ) workouts.

Daily exercise combined with regular strength training will help you improve your self esteem while you shed those extra pounds and keep them off. Start getting in shape and enjoy the many benefits of better health and fitness.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Keep on Dancin

If you want to accomplish any goal, You've got to Keep on Dancin!

Whether you hope to lose 5 pounds or 25 - keep on taking action toward making your mark. If you want any success in life - from a better looking body to greater wealth and riches - you have to keep moving!

Why not make it fun? You are far more likely to reach any goal if you are having fun. Find a favorite sport - or two or three! Mix up your workouts - you won't get bored and your body will get a better overall tone.

Mix in some strength training with your daily run or walk. Have access to a pool? Swimming is a great, low impact cardio workout! If the weather is nice - dust off your bicycle and get your heart while you enjoy some fresh air and the wind in your face.

Life is short. Why not enjoy every day as much as you can? Sneak in a little time for you! Get in some exercise and you'll be on the road to more energy, more fun and a much better self esteem. Try it - you'll be hooked. Start getting in shape and watch your outlook improve.

Start having more fun. Keep on Dancin!!