Thursday, February 25, 2010

Saving on Health Care

Health care seems to be a Hot topic today. Is there no end to the rising costs of health insurance and even the most basic health care services?

Health insurance companies don't want change - they make too much money under the current system. Doctors and health care professionals might welcome change - if it means less red tape and bureaucracy.

How do some countries manage to offer free - or low cost health care to all their citizens while folks in the USA are paying through the nose?

One step anyone can take is to enjoy the fruits of living a healthy lifestyle. Better health and fitness is about making some simple choices and taking action. Better fitness is most often the result of 2 very simple habits.

Eating healthy foods doesn't have to be that hard. Choose to eat more natural, healthy foods. Getting started is easy. Spend an evening or any time convenient for you preparing some healthy meals. Then freeze a few portions for later in the week - or any time you wish. Stay away from fast food. Cut out the stuff we all know is harmful.

Your 2nd step is potentially even more enjoyable. Find a sport - or two or more that you enjoy and start playing. Play hard. Have fun! Find a way to get more exercise every day. Even of your new exercise habit is simply walking - you can still realize incredible improvement in your fitness level.

The more you do - the more you stand to gain!

Take control of your health and avoid expensive health care expenses. Start getting some exercise every day. Decide to start eating healthy foods. Your taste buds will be in for a pleasant surprise. And your waistline too! You'll probably be able to spend less and save more of your hard earned money! And, best of all - you just might notice a big improvement in your outlook.

You really can have more energy and more fun in your daily life. Try exercise. Pick up a healthy new habit. Take up a new sport - make some new friends and have more fun. Get your friends and family involved. Share the fun and the benefits!

Healthy people tend to spend less on health care - over the years than less active folks. And they generally seem to enjoy this wonderful life more and more. The experts say exercise causes certain endorphins in our brains. You feel better - a kind of natural high is yours to enjoy when you exercise hard.

What have you got to lose? except maybe a few pounds. and the need for more expensive health care services.

The choice is yours. Give your money to the big insurance companies and pay higher taxes. Pay for expensive health care if you choose to live a sedentary life and keep eating the unhealthy crap at your corner fast food eatery. Pay the big soft drink companies and keep consuming their high calorie fat concoctions.

Or you can choose just 2 simple habits. Do it for your children. Do it for your Country. Do it for you!

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