Thursday, February 26, 2009

Fitness is a Choice

Active people are much less likely to smoke; they tend to be thinner and they eat differently than their sedentary peers. They spend far less on health care over the course of their lifetimes than those who choose not to exercise regularly or get actively involved in sports. Fitness and good health is a choice. Most of us are in that very fortunate group who have the choice!

When it comes to exercise, balance is key. Health and fitness professionals encourage people to exercise to the point of breathlessness. If you're like me and have been somewhat of a couch potato for a while - you may want to build up your stamina before attempting to do this for any length of time. If you start off exercising too vigorously you might end up feeling achy, tired and disappointed.

Take your time. Start slow and gradually increase the intensity of your exercise. In just a few short weeks you can be sweating away pounds and reshaping your body. You can sculpt a more muscular, leaner body.

If you don't exercise hard enough to stimulate your limb and heart muscles why bother? Make it worth your effort. Build yourself up to the point where you find yourself breathing hard. Get your heart pumping! And every other day do some strength work. You can start with simple push-ups and squats. Add in some crunches and maybe some rowing or weight training.

Many fitness buffs enjoy keeping a journal. Try writing down how long you exercise and what types of workout(s) you do. Keep good records of what you eat. And how you feel. Soon you should start to see some real progress. Celebrate your success. Buy yourself a new, smaller outfit you've been wanting. Buy that new bicycle you've had your eye on. Or that new set of clubs. Treat yourself to something healthy!

Keep up your fitness plan. Visualize your success. Keep eating healthy foods and make a habit of exercise. Watch your whole life get better! Enjoy having more energy. A slimmer body. A better outlook. and less stress. The benefits of better health and fitness just seem to explode when you make exercise and eating healthy foods part of your daily habits!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Try Something New

The benefits of living a healthy lifestyle are tremendous. Evidence shows that some of the leading causes of death in the United States, such as heart disease, cancer, stroke, and some lung diseases often can be prevented by improving personal health habits.

Eating right, staying physically active, and not smoking are a few examples of good habits that can help you stay healthy.

Exercise and physical activity can help prevent at least six diseases: heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity (excess weight), diabetes, osteoporosis, and mental disorders, such as depression. Regular exercise also will help you feel better and stay at a healthy weight.

Research suggests that brisk walking can be just as good for you as an activity such as jogging. Try to do a total of 30 minutes of constant physical activity, such as fast walking, most days of the week. Make time for physical activity, start slowly, and keep at it. If the weather is bad, try an exercise show on TV, watch an exercise tape in your home, walk in the mall, or work around the house.

Choose an activity you like, such as dancing or swimming. Or try something entirely new - take up a new sport. Find a friend to enjoy your daily exercise time with. Find an exercise tape at the library or the video store. Millions enjoy the benefits of yoga along with their daily walk or jog.

If weight loss is one of your goals for this year - the quickest way to lose weight is with daily exercise and eating healthy foods.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Look Younger by Summer

Getting in shape fast - before summer gets here - is a realistic goal. “Yeah, right!” that evil little dude on my shoulder whispers in the wrong ear.

Don’t listen to the naysayers. You can go from where you are right now - to a much healthier, fitter you. And do it before summer gets here! Take action. Start in the direction of your goal today! Do you want to lose 20 pounds? Thats only two pounds a week for the next ten weeks! You can do that!

Drink one less soda a day. Walk a mile at lunch - every day! Take the stairs every chance you get. Cut out the white bread, donuts, and refined sugars. Start your day with a healthy breakfast and strive to burn a few more calories every day. ( Or, if you're like me - maybe quite a few! ) We CAN DO this! Eat more veggies. Less sugar. Commit to exercise more. And sit on the couch a little less.

We make the choices. We have a choice - go through another summer at the beach wearing baggy clothes to hide that flabby stomach - or start today. Make every day a masterpiece. Own your body. Master your cravings. Stay focused on your goal. And take action - every day.

Can you fit in some time to shoot some hoops this weekend with your children? Take the little ones out for a nice bike ride. Or even a healthy walk around the block. Make it race and pick up your heart rate. Put down the remote. Hide your phone and your Blackberry. Get up and leave your computer for just half an hour. Have fun while you improve your health.

You can look years younger and have lots more energy! The key is exercise and eating healthy.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Look Younger and Enjoy a Leaner, Sexier Body!

Exercise can be fun, provide recreation and offer excellent opportunities for companionship. Friendships you develop playing sports getting some exercise can be amongst your most cherished relationships! The exhilaration and emotional release of participating in sports and exercise bolster your mental and physical health. Pent-up anxieties and frustrations seem to disappear when you’re having fun and exercising. Have Fun - Enjoy the journey to better health.

Some tips to help you get started and keep moving:

Choose activities that you think you’ll enjoy. Most people will stick to their exercise program if they are having fun, even though they are working hard.

Set aside a regular exercise time. Whether this means joining an exercise class or getting up a little earlier every day, make time for this addition to your routine and don’t let anything get in your way. Planning ahead will help you get around interruptions in your workout schedule, such as bad weather and vacations.

Set short term goals. Don’t expect to lose 20 pounds in two weeks. It has taken awhile for you to gain the weight, it will take time to lose it. Keep a record of your progress and tell your friends and family about your achievements.

Vary your exercise program. Change exercises or invite friends to join you to make your workout more enjoyable. There is no “best” exercise – just the one that works best for you. It won’t be easy, especially at the start. But as you begin to feel better, look better and enjoy a new zest for life, you will be rewarded many times over for your efforts.

So start getting in shape and having more fun! Enjoy your workout time. Guard it and don't let any of life's unexpected interruptions chip away too much of your time for fitness. Share it with your family if you can! You'll all enjoy the many healthy benefits of exercise and fun!

If you want to lose weight this year you're in luck! There a many natural and healthy ways to lose weight fast. Make exercise and healthy eating two of your daily habits. You can have a much healthier body - and outlook towards life in a surprisingly short time. Start getting in shape fast and soon you’ll find yourself feeling much better about everything! Your stress levels will decline - substantially. You’ll develop an improved attitude. You’ll look younger and have a leaner, sexier body!

The benefits are clear and can last a lifetime! Enjoy life more leading a healthy lifestyle!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Walking Her Way to Happy

I recently met an incredible young lady – I’d guess she was in her mid 40s. We had seen her almost every day while we played tennis in the local park! She always had a smile on her beautiful face. Swinging her arms - she walked at a good, brisk pace up and down the rolling hills in our little neighborhood park.

One day I finally asked her how she managed to always have a smile on her face. Without hesitation she told us her hour-long walk was a favorite time of her day. She enjoyed getting out in the fresh air and walking away her troubles. She was so genuinely friendly and full of smiles I had a hard time imagining her getting bothered by anything., She went on to tell us how she had lost over a hundred pounds just walking every day and eating a sensible, healthy diet. It took her about a year – but she stuck with her daily walk and succeeded!

Several scientific studies suggest that optimists live longer, more satisfying lives. So if you’re not an optimist, take a few steps in that direction each day. If you keep thinking like an optimist you will eventually join those many people who already know the benefits of living with a more positive outlook. Vow to make your first thought of the day a positive one. Try to begin each day with an inspirational or positive message. Forget the early morning news. If it’s really important – you’ll hear about it. Many people enjoy starting their day with a positive Bible verse. The key is to start thinking good thoughts first thing in the morning. Start your day off right – with good, positive thoughts.

Whether you want to lose ten pounds or 110 – if you maintain a positive outlook, you’ll have a much better chance of achieving your goal. Visualize your success! If you think you can reach your goal – you most likely will. I think it was Henry Ford who said – “If you think you can or think you can’t – you’re right”.

Create a picture in your mind – a vision of you reaching that goal – visualize yourself wearing a smaller size before Halloween, or Thanksgiving. Set a reasonable target – one that you can honestly expect to meet. Break it into manageable pieces – like “I will lose one pound each week” Or two.

Then set out and take action. Start small if you like. Just start! Take at least a little action in the direction of your goal each day.

Start with a brief walk. Or, if you feel ready, start jogging. Don’t push yourself too hard at first! Learn a new sport. Take up golf or tennis. Or simply start walking in the mall where the temperature is always pleasant! A variety of sports and exercise routines will help you maintain a better balanced level of fitness. Work your legs harder one day and your arms the next. Try to get some cardio in at least five days a week.

The key is to get started. And then keep moving.

Gradually increase your time and your pace. Walk a little farther and a little faster each day. When you start to feel comfortable – start jogging. Again, take it slow – and don’t try to go too far too fast.

Don’t look back - stay focused on enjoying right now! Or at least making the best of whatever life brings your way!

If your life isn’t how you imagined it would be, forgive yourself for your mistakes and move forward with the lessons you’ve learned. Treat yourself kindly. Don’t dwell on your mistakes – or beat yourself up. Learn to move on. And then keep moving – in the direction of whatever goals you seek. You can reach your goals. Adopt a relentless pursuit - persist and you will attain better results than you might even imagine!

Remember - getting in shape fast takes daily exercise and healthy eating choices. Start your journey today. The quickest way to lose weight is with daily exercise and healthy eating! You can do it - enjoy the journey towards a much healthier lifestyle. You can eat healthy, exercise and lose weight fast!