Thursday, February 26, 2009

Fitness is a Choice

Active people are much less likely to smoke; they tend to be thinner and they eat differently than their sedentary peers. They spend far less on health care over the course of their lifetimes than those who choose not to exercise regularly or get actively involved in sports. Fitness and good health is a choice. Most of us are in that very fortunate group who have the choice!

When it comes to exercise, balance is key. Health and fitness professionals encourage people to exercise to the point of breathlessness. If you're like me and have been somewhat of a couch potato for a while - you may want to build up your stamina before attempting to do this for any length of time. If you start off exercising too vigorously you might end up feeling achy, tired and disappointed.

Take your time. Start slow and gradually increase the intensity of your exercise. In just a few short weeks you can be sweating away pounds and reshaping your body. You can sculpt a more muscular, leaner body.

If you don't exercise hard enough to stimulate your limb and heart muscles why bother? Make it worth your effort. Build yourself up to the point where you find yourself breathing hard. Get your heart pumping! And every other day do some strength work. You can start with simple push-ups and squats. Add in some crunches and maybe some rowing or weight training.

Many fitness buffs enjoy keeping a journal. Try writing down how long you exercise and what types of workout(s) you do. Keep good records of what you eat. And how you feel. Soon you should start to see some real progress. Celebrate your success. Buy yourself a new, smaller outfit you've been wanting. Buy that new bicycle you've had your eye on. Or that new set of clubs. Treat yourself to something healthy!

Keep up your fitness plan. Visualize your success. Keep eating healthy foods and make a habit of exercise. Watch your whole life get better! Enjoy having more energy. A slimmer body. A better outlook. and less stress. The benefits of better health and fitness just seem to explode when you make exercise and eating healthy foods part of your daily habits!

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