Saturday, March 2, 2013

Lose Weight Faster

Are you still carrying around a few extra pounds? Do you want to shed those extra inches around your waist?

Try two simple changes - for the next 3 weeks. Cut out sugar. Stop drinking soda - of all kinds. Drink water instead. Eat smaller portions of healthy foods. Vegetables, fruits and nuts ( go easy on the nuts - those calories add up fast ) are healthy alternatives to whatever you pick up in the fat food drive thru lane! Here are a few more ideas -

Change number two is harder for some of us. And if losing weight is your goal - this is important. You simply have to spend less time sitting down and more time moving around. When your body is moving - you're burning more calories. The fast you move - the more you burn. Work your body - in as many different ways as you can. Here are a few ideas to help you get started -

and to keep you going...

Want a slimmer waistline? Wish you could have more energy? Make the commitment to yourself. Try it for 21 days. Experts say that it takes you 3 weeks to develop a habit. You can do this. You can look better before Summer. Fit into that smaller size. You can do it!

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