Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Get Skinny - Live Better!

    Wouldn't it be nice if we could all stay as skinny as we were in our younger years? Do you ever wonder where those extra pounds came from? How did this happen? It's almost like you wake up one beautiful morning and when you look in the mirror you see yourself carrying a few extra inches around the old waistline? ( Or more than just a few in my case! )

Don't despair - you're not alone. Years of  working at a desk and spending too much time on the couch can - and often does - result in those unsightly extra pounds. You know what i mean? Those extra inches in your stomach area that year after year seem to grow just a bit.  That pot-belly of a stomach that used to be slim and trim!

 The goods news is - you can correct this unfortunate situation with just a few hours of focused effort every week! Alter your diet and start a daily program of cardio exercise. Doesn't have to be anything fancy - start with a nice, quick paced walk if you like. As you start feeling more comfortable with walking a few blocks - pick up the pace and go a little farther each day.

Wherever you find yourself today - know that you can make gradual improvements in just a matter of weeks! The keys are nothing new. Enjoy eating healthy foods and exercise daily. Countless healthy people have discovered the simple steps to better health and more energy!  Want to lose a few inches around your belly? The best way to lose belly fat is exercise. Get plenty of heart pumping aerobic exercise and you can lose those extra pounds!

It may not be easy - at first. And you'll soon find that those few minutes of exercise each day are amongst your most important. You'll look forward to your daily walk or run. You'll find yourself locking in that half hour or so as non-negotiable. Go ahead - be a little selfish with your time. You deserve to spend some quality time just for you!

Yes, you really can exercise and lose weight - fast! The more you exercise the quicker your results will follow. Keep eating healthy foods , and start getting in better shape. You'll thank yourself!

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