Why do I fret so over my appearance? Why am I so critical of how i look in the mirror? I wonder if others are equally as hard on themselves. What is a person to do?
Like the old adage - Just Do IT. Whatever "IT" is. The secret is nothing happens, there is no change, until we take action! I can watch every fitness show, rent or buy every exercise video in sight and still, nothing happens until I get off my rear and move!
I know I need - and want - to lose weight, and fast! One of the ladies at work told me I was starting to look like a donut. ( I love donuts! ) Carrying around these extra 15 or twenty pounds can't be healthy. I'm tired of wearing pants which seem to get tighter around the waist every month. ( Thank heaven for those expander waist pants! ). I looked at suits last month and the sales lady asked me what size i needed. When I replied 42 she ever so diplomatically pulled out her tape and measured my chest. My size 48 chest!!
What happened to that skinny little kid who loved to run around the park and the tennis courts? What happened to that guy who loved walking 18 holes and even enjoyed going another 9?
The short answer is easy - age and inactivity. As we age our metabolism naturally tends to slow down a bit. If we don't burn the calories we consume we can easily see our torso begin to transform to something less than our ideal. ( Okay..... Way less than ideal. )
The fix - Eat right, Exercise and Lose weight fast .
Or, I guess I can buy a whole new wardrobe.
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