Friday, November 30, 2012

No Excuses

They say it takes 3 weeks to develop a new habit. What habit(s) do you want to start? If daily exercise is on your list - Congratulations! You are on the road to a better life!

To your success... Enjoy the journey!

Source: via Hannah on Pinterest

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Fitness Tips

Looking for ideas to help avoid Holiday weight gain? Enjoy the fun and food. And try these simple ideas to help keep your waistline slim!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Your Self Talk

Be good to yourself. Treat your body kindly. Enjoy healthy habits! Want to look better? And feel better? Try this -

Just 20 or 30 minutes every day will have you feeling better in no time! Try it.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Cartoons with the Kids

Do you enjoy watching cartoons with your children? Do you sometimes have a hard time juggling daily pressures of family, work, fun and fitness? Have you ever tried exercising while you enjoy your favorite TV show?

Source: via Kelly Ann on Pinterest

Grab your jump rope, and some hand weights. Get out your yoga mat. Encourage the little ones to join in the fun.

Try a variety of exercise routines - jumping jacks, push-ups, lunges, sit-ups and squats are all easy to do while you laugh at the children's favorite cartoon! ( OK, they may not always be easy - but that is how you build a lean and toned body shape, isn't it? )

If you want to see results sooner - get a great whole body workout in 30 minutes a day on your Indoor Rowing Machine

Friday, November 23, 2012

Want to Lift Your Spirits?

Source: via Mary on Pinterest

Start your day with some mood lifting exercise. See what a positive difference those 20 minutes can make!

Happy ThanksGiving!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Get Going

Every day is a perfect day for a little exercise!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Eating Healthy

If you're like a Go-Zillion other Americans this week - you may want to save #20 for Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

When I Grow Up

What do you want to be? How do you want to look? You get to choose!

Choose Healthy! Healthy habits. Healthy Foods. Healthy Thoughts.. Healthy Friends!

You have the choice. Why not make the most of Your precious life? Choose Healthy!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Friday, November 16, 2012

A Brand New Habit

Want to start running and not sure how to get started? You're not alone! Legend has it that Zig Ziglar decide to start running. So, on his 1st day, he ran less than 1 city block.

You have to start somewhere, right? Think small in the beginning. Go as far as you feel comfortable. Then walk until your heart rate returns to a more normal state and you are breathing easier. Then do it all over again! Each day, build on your progress - a little at a time. In a few weeks you just might be surprised at your progress!

Try this -

Week 1: Run one minute. Walk 90 seconds. Repeat eight times. Do three times a week. Week 2: Run two minutes. Walk one minute. Repeat seven times. Do three times a week. Week 3: Run three minutes. Walk one minute. Repeat six times. Do three times a week. Week 4: Run five minutes. Walk two minutes. Repeat four times. Do three times a week. Week 5: Run eight minutes. Walk two minutes. Repeat three times. Do three times a week. Week 6: Run twelve minutes. Walk one minute. Repeat three times. Do three times a week. Week 7: Run fifteen minutes. Walk one minute. Run fifteen minutes. Do three times a week. Week 8: Run thirty

If you want your tummy to look like this - start a new habit. Make time for exercise every day! Start getting in shape!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Running to A Natural High

    Running is considered by many to be the ultimate fitness booster. The natural high you feel after running is almost without equal.

Once you get started - you most likely won't want to quit.

If you want to get healthy and enjoy life more in a slimmer, toned body - try running.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Monday, November 12, 2012

Sleep Better

Do you have trouble sleeping? Do you ever wish you could sleep a little better and feel more rested when you wake up? With all the things you have on your plate - It is so easy to skimp on sleep. And, at what price?

Health experts say - If you are over 30 you probably need at least 7 hours of sleep each night. In your teens? You will probably benefit from at least 8 and preferably 9 or even 10 hours of sleep per night. Your body needs rest. Your brain needs sleep.

Try Yoga!

Make some more time in your hectic schedule to get a good night's sleep. Your mind and body will thank you!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Lets Go Surfin

Try these excellent ideas for better fitness -