The great Motivational Speaker - Zig Ziglar - used to say "If you are hard on yourself - life gets much easier" or something like that. His point was - if you work hard and practice your healthy habits regularly - you can win at whatever you set out to do. Now, lets be real - I have about as much chance of winning Wimbledon next year as winning a big lottery jackpot. The same goes for making the cut in the Masters.
And still - if you or I set a realistic target - like "I will lose 20 pounds before Christmas vacation". That is an achievable goal. Or - "I will walk 3 miles every day this week". I will pass on the fat-food drive thru and, instead make an egg-white omelet with plenty of chopped veggies for breakfast. \
Start a new, healthy habit or two. Let go of those unhealthy ones. If you've been inactive for a while, start small. And then gradually increase your pace and the intensity of your exercise. The ultimate goal - if you really want to shed those extra pounds - is to work your body hard!
If you want to kick-start your fitness program - try working out with weights. If you think lifting weights is just for pumped-up hard-bodies who flex their muscles at Venice beach, think again. The good news is building muscle benefits everyone! Women and Men - at any age. In fact, older people may have the most to gain from weight or resistance training, because strength is so crucial to functioning independently.
All sorts of professional athletes, from basketball players to Tiger Woods and Rafael Nadal have used cross training in their fitness regimens. Cross training is also making its way into the average person's fitness routine.
cross training doesn't require specific exercises. In fact, as long as you create variation in your activity, you can enjoy the benefits of cross training! The key is to vary your activities between aerobic conditioning, strength training, endurance, and balance. Vary your workouts to emphasize each one of those areas.
You really can exercise and get rid of those extra pounds - for good!
Simple fitness ideas for getting in shape. Many healthy and happy fitness lovers have found they can exercise and lose weight fast. And keep those extra pounds off!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Think and Get Fit
Around a 100 years ago a famous author quipped "What your mind can conceive - you can achieve.". He had studied numerous successful and wealthy people. His findings were published in that widely read motivational work - "Think and Grow Rich".
If you want better health and a better life filled with more energy and even happiness - you really can achieve what you set your sights on!
If you want better health and a better life filled with more energy and even happiness - you really can achieve what you set your sights on!
Success is in the blood. There are men whom fate can never keep down—they march forward in a jaunty manner, and take by divine right the best of everything that the earth affords. But their success is not attained by means of some political policy. They do not lie in wait, nor scheme, nor fawn, nor seek to adapt their sails to catch the breeze of popular favor. Still, they are ever alert and alive to any good that may come their way, and when it comes they simply appropriate it, and tarrying not, move steadily on.
Good health! Whenever you go out of doors, draw the chin in, carry the crown of the head high, and fill the lungs to the utmost; drink in the sunshine; greet your friends with a smile, and put soul into every hand-clasp.
Do not fear being misunderstood; and never waste a moment thinking about your failures or enemies. Try to fix firmly in your own mind what you would like to do, and then with proper focus and action you will move straight to the goal. Take action. Massive, focused action will lead you to your greatest desires!
Fear is the rock on which we split, and hate the shoal on which many a barque is stranded. When we become fearful, the judgment is as unreliable as the compass of a ship whose hold is full of iron ore; when we hate, we have unshipped the rudder; and if ever we stop to meditate on what the gossips say, we have allowed a hawser to foul the screw.
Keep your mind on the kind of life you want. Think about the type of body and fitness level you would like and then, as the days go gliding by, you will find yourself unconsciously seizing the opportunities that are required for the fulfillment of your desire, just as the coral insect takes from the running tide the elements that it needs. Picture in your mind the happy, contented, able, earnest, useful person you desire to be, and the thought that you hold is hourly transforming you into that particular individual you so admire.
You must seize every opportunity to act upon your desires - embrace and adopt healthy habits. Exercise every day. Work your body hard and you can see results in a matter of weeks.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Look Better - Feel Better in 6 Fast Weeks
Yes - You really can feel better and look a whole lot better in as few as just 6 short weeks! It may not be easy - and You really can do this. Picture yourself wearing a smaller size before Halloween! Imagine how good you can look at that Halloween party this year!
Get a clear picture in your mind of what you'd like to improve over the next 6 weeks! Keep it simple - and not too ambitious if you've been out of the exercise habit for very long. Most experts say you can safely lose two or three pounds a week! ( And for Good! )
All it takes is a couple new habits.
Habit 1 - Exercise daily. The harder you work your body, the better your results will be! The great Zig Ziglar used to say the harder you are on yourself , the easier your life gets! If you've been inactive for a while - start slow and gradually build the time and intensity of your workouts. Even walking is a great way to start. Just walk for as long as you can. Walk fast!
Habit 2 - Eat healthy foods. You what they are - and hopefully you know what to avoid. Focus on natural fruits and veggies. The less processed the better. A growing number of healthy fitness buffs are avoiding simple carbs as much as possible. Skip the white bread and white rice. Eat less sugar. And - by all means - pass on anything which lists high fructose anything in its ingredients.
Use the power of visualization and positive self talk to help you along your journey. Enlist a friend or your family to join in the fun! See your goal. Constantly remind yourself and keep your focus on the fitness goal you want. See yourself in that smaller, sexier looking outfit. Remind yourself daily how much better your life is getting!
If you adopt just these two simple habits and practice them for just 6 short weeks you'll start seeing results in practically no time! And you'll notice you seem to have more energy! More fun! One key is simply getting started. So, why not start today? Start getting in shape - fast, and for good!
Get a clear picture in your mind of what you'd like to improve over the next 6 weeks! Keep it simple - and not too ambitious if you've been out of the exercise habit for very long. Most experts say you can safely lose two or three pounds a week! ( And for Good! )
All it takes is a couple new habits.
Habit 1 - Exercise daily. The harder you work your body, the better your results will be! The great Zig Ziglar used to say the harder you are on yourself , the easier your life gets! If you've been inactive for a while - start slow and gradually build the time and intensity of your workouts. Even walking is a great way to start. Just walk for as long as you can. Walk fast!
Habit 2 - Eat healthy foods. You what they are - and hopefully you know what to avoid. Focus on natural fruits and veggies. The less processed the better. A growing number of healthy fitness buffs are avoiding simple carbs as much as possible. Skip the white bread and white rice. Eat less sugar. And - by all means - pass on anything which lists high fructose anything in its ingredients.
Use the power of visualization and positive self talk to help you along your journey. Enlist a friend or your family to join in the fun! See your goal. Constantly remind yourself and keep your focus on the fitness goal you want. See yourself in that smaller, sexier looking outfit. Remind yourself daily how much better your life is getting!
If you adopt just these two simple habits and practice them for just 6 short weeks you'll start seeing results in practically no time! And you'll notice you seem to have more energy! More fun! One key is simply getting started. So, why not start today? Start getting in shape - fast, and for good!
Monday, September 20, 2010
You and Your Workout Buddy
Are you having trouble getting started on your fitness program? Accountability is one key that might help you when trying to establish an exercise routine.
Accountability is answering to someone or something if you don’t follow through. Who can you get to hold you accountable? Mutual support from an exercise buddy might help you keep going on those days when "something came up" or you just don't feel like exercising.
Accountability gets you past the “I-don’t-feel like-doing-this” hump. Stick with it, however, and before long the next phase kicks in—emotional reasons to keep exercising. Once you develop or decide upon strong enough reasons and almost anything is possible.
Invite a friend to be your fitness buddy. Someone you won't want to say 'No' to! Get out there and enjoy the outdoors every day if you can. Try a variety of workouts - riding bikes, swimming, or tennis. Walking is free. And running will only set you back the price of a decent pair of running shoes! ( Try New Balance - they still make some of their excellent shoes in the good old USA )
Enjoy your journey to better fitness and a better life!
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Speeding Up Your Weight Loss
Are you exercising regularly and find yourself not losing weight? Or maybe your weight loss is a little slower than you'd like? You might want to add more strength training to your fitness program.
Many fitness buffs use weight training every other day to keep their body toned and firm. You don't have to press 250 pounds or look like the esteemed Governor of California to benefit from using weights. You can even lose more weight and enjoy a chiseled, more muscular look without ever stepping foot in a gym! Simply use your own weight – like you do when you do the classic push-up!
Muscle has enormous fat-burning capacity, even when your body is at rest. Building only five pounds of muscle can help you to burn 150 to 250 extra calories per day!
If you want to use weights as a part of your strength training program you might want to consider the following tips to keep yourself safe. If you've been out of the habit of daily exercise for a long while you might want to start with an OK from your doctor.
If you are new to using weights or gym equipment, get some expert advice from a friend or someone who has more experience than you. Building Muscle takes time – be patient and don't expect immediate results! You'll feel the difference soon enough. Before too long others will notice how good you look!
5 Tips to get you rolling:
1) Always warm up and stretch the muscles you will be working. Your muscles need time to adjust to demands before you start.
2) Don’t try to lift too much weight too soon (gradual and progressive resistance is much better).
3) Take time to cool down after exercise. Walk around for a few minutes, (this lowers your heart rate and boosts flexibility).
4) Always make time to stretch after you exercise (this can help you prevent injuries).
5) Avoid energy bars and sports drinks during moderate workouts. Unless you are working out for two hours a day or more, you’re consuming calories your body doesn’t really need.
You really can exercise and lose weight fast! Add some strength training to your fitness plan. Do push-ups, squats and pull-ups during half time. Join the thousands of slim and trim fitness lovers who use an Indoor Rowing Machine
You'll feel better and look better!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Lift Your Spirits and Keep Stress at Bay
How do you lower your stress levels? Have you ever thought about what some of your triggers are? What causes you to start getting irritable or feeling a lack of control? Take care of yourself by maintaining your physical and mental health. Exercise and eating healthy help make it easier to bounce back when life’s unexpected twists strike.
Maintaining your mental fitness goes hand in hand with staying in good physical shape. Your mental health is – without a doubt - tied to your fitness level. It’s really just about living a healthy lifestyle. If you already exercise regularly, Congratulations! - you’re already on the right track! Medical science experts say that up to a quarter of the blood pumping through your body is delivering performance enhancing oxygen to your brain as you exercise.
Food choices are also vital to your brain’s overall health. Start by cutting the unhealthy fats from your diet. Some fat is actually good for you. Your brain actually benefits from healthy omega-3 fats. Cholesterol buildup can reduce the oxygen supply to your brain by almost 20 percent over time. Load up on foods rich in antioxidants, such as strawberries or red beans, to nurture brain cell health.
Add cold-water, wild caught fish like salmon to your diet a couple times a week. Eating fish helps reduce inflammation, increase memory, and helps your brain send and receive messages more efficiently. Enjoy eating more leafy green vegetables like spinach. Spinach – one of nature’s true super-foods – contains folate which is known to enhance your brain’s processing power!
Eating healthy foods can have a big impact on your mood. For breakfast, try oatmeal or eggs. Both contain an amino acid that helps boost the levels of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that makes you feel good. The protein in the egg-whites will help your muscles handle your daily exercise! Get your protein early in the day to fuel muscle growth and give your body an extra boost while working out!
For lunch - try adding a handful of dark red kidney beans to your salad. ( Try a low-calorie vinaigrette dressing on the side. ) Mix some frozen or fresh blueberries and strawberries in plain, nonfat yogurt! The antioxidants in them will help ward off workday stress. Then enjoy dessert with a small piece of chocolate! The chocolate will lift your mood, and the natural stimulant found in cocoa gives your energy level a pleasant mid-day boost!
For dinner, give your brain-power a boost with a piece of salmon. ( You might want to stay away from farm raised salmon. ) Savor a side salad with leafy greens and spinach to increase folate levels and help keep depression at bay. During the day - try healthy snacks – like celery or a few ounces of low-fat cheese between meals.
If you find yourself getting a little low on patience - growing irritable or unfocused, take a little break and munch on an apple or a handful of walnuts and some dark chocolate! These help stabilize your blood sugar levels and help you avoid those mid-day energy drains.
Invest but a few minutes each day practicing healthy habits. Keep eating healthy foods, exercise frequently and you can enjoy the many lasting benefits of a healthy body and mind!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Habits for a Better Life
The benefits you can realize from getting in better physical shape are reason enough to start or continue your own fitness program. No need to hire a personal trainer or join that fancy pants health club. You can enjoy better health and fitness by adopting just a handful of healthy habits.
Try these habits for the next 4 weeks and see for yourself:
1 Get at least 6 or 7 hours of sleep every night. ( If you are under age 20 - try for 9 hours of good sleep every night. )
"Yeah right" you may be thinking. Find a way! Heart Doctors say your heart lasts longer with a more sleep! Plus, your muscles need rest to rejuvenate!
2 Eat a healthy variety of natural foods. Skip the fast ( or should we say fat ) food temptation and opt instead for more fruits and vegetables every day! Enjoy some heart healthy cold water fresh caught salmon a couple times a week. Feed your body the healthy , natural fuels it needs.
3 Exercise - in some form - every day. Walking is a great way to start. Try a variety of sports and routines. Whatever you find you like. Invite a friend - enjoy healthy activities with your family. This just might become your favorite new habit!
4. Just get started. Set a goal for yourself for this week. Make it realistic and something you can actually do. Like "I will walk at lunch every day this week." Then do it. No excuses. Soon you'll find ways to make sure you get your daily exercise time.
Next month make your goal(s) a little bit harder. Walk or run a little farther. Get up a few minutes earlier if you can ( without sacrificing your nightly 7 hours of sleep ) and do some early morning exercise. Don't forget to stretch! Grab a protein rich breakfast and you'll be starting your day like the pros.
5. Learn how to stretch. Focus on the muscle(s) you are stretching and go slow. Breathe slowly and deep while you concentrate on how your body feels. Millions of healthy ( and skinny ) people around globe have discovered the joy of Yoga. That might be worth a few hours in a class or grab a free video at your local library and follow along.
Health professionals agree - if you want to enjoy life more and live longer - your odds are much better if you get some exercise most days of the week!
For the best results - try a balanced approach. Combine weight or resistance training every other day with daily aerobic exercise - like running, walking or even riding your bike!
Start building muscles and getting in shape - fast! You'll probably live longer and enjoy life more!
Try these habits for the next 4 weeks and see for yourself:
1 Get at least 6 or 7 hours of sleep every night. ( If you are under age 20 - try for 9 hours of good sleep every night. )
"Yeah right" you may be thinking. Find a way! Heart Doctors say your heart lasts longer with a more sleep! Plus, your muscles need rest to rejuvenate!
2 Eat a healthy variety of natural foods. Skip the fast ( or should we say fat ) food temptation and opt instead for more fruits and vegetables every day! Enjoy some heart healthy cold water fresh caught salmon a couple times a week. Feed your body the healthy , natural fuels it needs.
3 Exercise - in some form - every day. Walking is a great way to start. Try a variety of sports and routines. Whatever you find you like. Invite a friend - enjoy healthy activities with your family. This just might become your favorite new habit!
4. Just get started. Set a goal for yourself for this week. Make it realistic and something you can actually do. Like "I will walk at lunch every day this week." Then do it. No excuses. Soon you'll find ways to make sure you get your daily exercise time.
Next month make your goal(s) a little bit harder. Walk or run a little farther. Get up a few minutes earlier if you can ( without sacrificing your nightly 7 hours of sleep ) and do some early morning exercise. Don't forget to stretch! Grab a protein rich breakfast and you'll be starting your day like the pros.
5. Learn how to stretch. Focus on the muscle(s) you are stretching and go slow. Breathe slowly and deep while you concentrate on how your body feels. Millions of healthy ( and skinny ) people around globe have discovered the joy of Yoga. That might be worth a few hours in a class or grab a free video at your local library and follow along.
Health professionals agree - if you want to enjoy life more and live longer - your odds are much better if you get some exercise most days of the week!
For the best results - try a balanced approach. Combine weight or resistance training every other day with daily aerobic exercise - like running, walking or even riding your bike!
Start building muscles and getting in shape - fast! You'll probably live longer and enjoy life more!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
See Yourself Win the Battle of the Waistline
A sportswriter once asked a famous baseball player how many hits he expected to get in the big game later that same day. The famed slugger didn't waste a moment before responding "I expect to get a hit every time I step up to the plate!"
Did he? Of course not. In any given year the best hitters might safely get a hit 3 of every 10 times they come to the plate. They know the numbers. They are well aware of the stats - and yet they believe they can get a base hit every time they step up to the plate! They focus on the positive outcome they want.
And they work towards that positive outcome. They exercise daily and condition their bodies to stay in top physical form. ( Babe Ruth excluded here - history is full of the legendary poor eating habits the Babe enjoyed. ). The time they spend in batting cages toning their timing and swing would tire most of us.
The average tennis pro today spends several hours daily just hitting tennis balls! That doesn't include the hours spent running and in strength training! They walk out on that court believing they can hit ace after ace. They know in their heart they can get to balls most of us would never even try for! They have positive expectations built upon a solid foundation of preparation.
These athletes have invested the time, focus, and hard work required to reach the pinnacle of their chosen sports!
We can't all expect to hit 90 mph fastballs like A-Rod or get to incredible shots like Kim Clijsters does on a tennis court. And we can practice some of the very same healthy habits the pros use to stay in fantastic shape!
If you want to trim up your waistline and get your body into a slimmer, sexier shape - why not do what the pros do? Exercise - hard - every day! Build up a good old fashioned sweat! Work your heart and lungs for at least 20 minutes most days of the week. If you want better results - pick it up to 30 or 45 minutes of heart-pumping cardio exercise daily.
Every other day work on strength training - in addition to your daily cardio regimen. You'll start seeing ( and feeling ) results in a matter of weeks!
You won't even need to hire a personal trainer or join that fancy ( and expensive ) health club! Turn that extra room into your own home gym! Put s TV and DVD player in and watch your favorite TV shows while you get in your best shape ever! Pick up some inexpensive home fitness equipment and work out when you want to.
Spend a lot of time on the road? No worries, many hotels offer fitness rooms. Or do the stairs as many times as you can muster for a great cardio workout! If the weather outside is nice - start your day off right with a healthy run . Buy a Jump Rope
and toss it in your bag - get a great workout wherever you are!
Ride your bike or simply start by going for a daily run! Call a friend and play some tennis or head out to the golf course ( just skip the cart and walk) . Who says getting in better shape has to be dull and boring? If you want a better looking body - do like the pros and try these ten tips for better fitness!
Did he? Of course not. In any given year the best hitters might safely get a hit 3 of every 10 times they come to the plate. They know the numbers. They are well aware of the stats - and yet they believe they can get a base hit every time they step up to the plate! They focus on the positive outcome they want.
And they work towards that positive outcome. They exercise daily and condition their bodies to stay in top physical form. ( Babe Ruth excluded here - history is full of the legendary poor eating habits the Babe enjoyed. ). The time they spend in batting cages toning their timing and swing would tire most of us.
The average tennis pro today spends several hours daily just hitting tennis balls! That doesn't include the hours spent running and in strength training! They walk out on that court believing they can hit ace after ace. They know in their heart they can get to balls most of us would never even try for! They have positive expectations built upon a solid foundation of preparation.
These athletes have invested the time, focus, and hard work required to reach the pinnacle of their chosen sports!
We can't all expect to hit 90 mph fastballs like A-Rod or get to incredible shots like Kim Clijsters does on a tennis court. And we can practice some of the very same healthy habits the pros use to stay in fantastic shape!
If you want to trim up your waistline and get your body into a slimmer, sexier shape - why not do what the pros do? Exercise - hard - every day! Build up a good old fashioned sweat! Work your heart and lungs for at least 20 minutes most days of the week. If you want better results - pick it up to 30 or 45 minutes of heart-pumping cardio exercise daily.
Every other day work on strength training - in addition to your daily cardio regimen. You'll start seeing ( and feeling ) results in a matter of weeks!
You won't even need to hire a personal trainer or join that fancy ( and expensive ) health club! Turn that extra room into your own home gym! Put s TV and DVD player in and watch your favorite TV shows while you get in your best shape ever! Pick up some inexpensive home fitness equipment and work out when you want to.
Spend a lot of time on the road? No worries, many hotels offer fitness rooms. Or do the stairs as many times as you can muster for a great cardio workout! If the weather outside is nice - start your day off right with a healthy run . Buy a Jump Rope
and toss it in your bag - get a great workout wherever you are!
Ride your bike or simply start by going for a daily run! Call a friend and play some tennis or head out to the golf course ( just skip the cart and walk) . Who says getting in better shape has to be dull and boring? If you want a better looking body - do like the pros and try these ten tips for better fitness!
Friday, September 10, 2010
A New Day - A New Healthy Habit
Friday - The dawn of a New Day! This morning, in New York, a handful of tennis players woke early and started preparing for another big opportunity. Actually, their preparations began years ago and continued throughout their young years!
They choose to make healthy choices and practice good habits every day. ( Well, most days, at least! )
Hours invested daily in practicing their chosen sport. More hours doing roadwork and in the gym. Somewhere they found time to fit in schoolwork and maybe even some family time. These young stars haven't had the same kind of life most of us do. Hitting tennis balls and preparing themselves to get in excellent physical shape have meant huge sacrifices for these young athletes.
During the Wimbledon championships earlier this summer - Many of the young tennis stars had the opportunity to meet the Queen of England. Not many of us will ever get to see or meet the Queen. Rafael Nadal chose to pass on that opportunity in order to get in some more practice time that morning before his match later that same day. He won! Then went on to win The Championship!
Sometimes your sacrifices pay off!
Just last night when some young and healthy fitness lover passed on the chance to go to the local watering hole with her friends. Instead she got outdoors and ran for half an hour and then walked for another 30 minutes. While her friends were consuming hundreds of calories enjoying their favorite brew, she was sweating off extra pounds and building muscle strength and her endurance!
Last night 40 or 50 professional football players played hard and entertained millions of sports fans in the NFL season opener. The start of another new season only comes after hours of hard work and sweat during Summer camp and the preseason. And years of healthy habits - chosen most days of every week.
Today is another new day - and the perfect day for you to start or continue a healthy habit or two!
Make the most of your weekend. Do something healthy! Get outdoors if you can and sweat. Build your muscles and endurance. Then go enjoy a cool one with your friends!
Happy Friday!
They choose to make healthy choices and practice good habits every day. ( Well, most days, at least! )
Hours invested daily in practicing their chosen sport. More hours doing roadwork and in the gym. Somewhere they found time to fit in schoolwork and maybe even some family time. These young stars haven't had the same kind of life most of us do. Hitting tennis balls and preparing themselves to get in excellent physical shape have meant huge sacrifices for these young athletes.
During the Wimbledon championships earlier this summer - Many of the young tennis stars had the opportunity to meet the Queen of England. Not many of us will ever get to see or meet the Queen. Rafael Nadal chose to pass on that opportunity in order to get in some more practice time that morning before his match later that same day. He won! Then went on to win The Championship!
Sometimes your sacrifices pay off!
Just last night when some young and healthy fitness lover passed on the chance to go to the local watering hole with her friends. Instead she got outdoors and ran for half an hour and then walked for another 30 minutes. While her friends were consuming hundreds of calories enjoying their favorite brew, she was sweating off extra pounds and building muscle strength and her endurance!
Last night 40 or 50 professional football players played hard and entertained millions of sports fans in the NFL season opener. The start of another new season only comes after hours of hard work and sweat during Summer camp and the preseason. And years of healthy habits - chosen most days of every week.
Today is another new day - and the perfect day for you to start or continue a healthy habit or two!
Make the most of your weekend. Do something healthy! Get outdoors if you can and sweat. Build your muscles and endurance. Then go enjoy a cool one with your friends!
Happy Friday!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Get Fit and Trim in Less Time
Try these strategies to help you Get Fit and Trim in less time:
1. If you want better results in less time - Kick-start your fitness effort.
If you are walking for 30 minutes each day - pump up the volume and do 45. Go another mile or as far as you can. Pick up the pace a little.The more you sweat - the longer you workout - the sooner you'll start seeing real progress!
Set new goals and monitor your progress.
Create a timeline with goals for completing your milestones on time. Make the most of your free time by engaging in a variety of activities (i.e. running, walking, playing with the kids outdoors) instead of just sitting in front of the television or computer.
Assess Your Progress
Self-assessment skills will help you identify and improve upon your weaknesses and build on your strengths. Many fitness lovers find keeping a journal helpful in identifying which areas they are struggling with. Record your progress and your concerns every day or so.
Be Gentle on Yourself - Forgive yourself if you fail to reach a short term goal or two. Then pick yourself up and keep at it! Health professional and fitness experts agree - the quickest way to lose weight and keep it off is with daily exercise.
1. If you want better results in less time - Kick-start your fitness effort.
If you are walking for 30 minutes each day - pump up the volume and do 45. Go another mile or as far as you can. Pick up the pace a little.The more you sweat - the longer you workout - the sooner you'll start seeing real progress!
Set new goals and monitor your progress.
Create a timeline with goals for completing your milestones on time. Make the most of your free time by engaging in a variety of activities (i.e. running, walking, playing with the kids outdoors) instead of just sitting in front of the television or computer.
Assess Your Progress
Self-assessment skills will help you identify and improve upon your weaknesses and build on your strengths. Many fitness lovers find keeping a journal helpful in identifying which areas they are struggling with. Record your progress and your concerns every day or so.
Be Gentle on Yourself - Forgive yourself if you fail to reach a short term goal or two. Then pick yourself up and keep at it! Health professional and fitness experts agree - the quickest way to lose weight and keep it off is with daily exercise.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Natural, Healthy Ways to Lose Weight - For Good
Do you ever find yourself wishing you could look good at the beach every summer? Want to take off your shirt without wondering what others might think? Would you like the self confidence and great looking bodies you see every Summer at your favorite stretch of beach?
Good News - There are totally natural and healthy ways to lose weight - and keep it off for good! ( Did he Really just say "totally" ? That is so 80s!! )
So, put Slippery When Wet in your playlist for today and get started burning off those extra pounds. For Good!
Head out to the local Farmers Market and buy some nutritious, locally grown vegetables and fruits. Stock up on some organic spinach and tomatoes. Grab a bag full of your favorite fruits ( they are usually cheaper by the bag ) and enjoy nature's bounty all week! Chop some broccoli and cauliflower for your daily snacking pleasure. Toss a banana and an apple in your bag for a healthy mid-day snack!
After you enjoy a healthy and nutritious lunch - without any white bread or sugar - head out for a quick walk and enjoy some fresh air and the sights and sounds this wonderful earth we live on. ( If you work in the city - close your eyes and imagine - just watch out for traffic and the other walkers! ) After work - head out with the wife and little ones for some family time. Ride bikes, rollerskate, or just run around the park. Bring your dog along and try to keep up with the little ones and the dog!
Yes - you really can lose those extra pounds and keep them off.... for good! The secret to lasting weight loss is not expensive or found in the bottle of miracle powder or pills you might see in the Ads. Ignore the quick weight-loss propaganda and shed those extra pounds the natural way. Enjoy eating healthy foods and get plenty of heart-pumping exercise most days of the week.
Want to see results sooner? For even greater calorie burning, total body workouts - buy an Indoor Rowing Machine
. You can join the healthy few who've already discovered what a great workout rowing provides.
Set a goal for yourself. If you've been spending too much time behind that desk or in front of a TV or video game - no worries. Are you willing to sacrifice just 30 minutes a day in order to sculpt a leaner, tighter body? Would you give up just one show every evening to improve your health? You don't even have to give up the TV if you don't want to - just put your rowing machine right in front of the Television!
Start small if you must - take your time and gradually you'll be able to exercise harder and longer than you might have dreamed possible. And, you'll start seeing results! Less stress and a tighter stomach are just a couple of the many benefits you can soon realize!
Start today. Adopt these simple, daily habits. You really can eat healthy, exercise and lose weight fast.
Good News - There are totally natural and healthy ways to lose weight - and keep it off for good! ( Did he Really just say "totally" ? That is so 80s!! )
So, put Slippery When Wet in your playlist for today and get started burning off those extra pounds. For Good!
Head out to the local Farmers Market and buy some nutritious, locally grown vegetables and fruits. Stock up on some organic spinach and tomatoes. Grab a bag full of your favorite fruits ( they are usually cheaper by the bag ) and enjoy nature's bounty all week! Chop some broccoli and cauliflower for your daily snacking pleasure. Toss a banana and an apple in your bag for a healthy mid-day snack!
After you enjoy a healthy and nutritious lunch - without any white bread or sugar - head out for a quick walk and enjoy some fresh air and the sights and sounds this wonderful earth we live on. ( If you work in the city - close your eyes and imagine - just watch out for traffic and the other walkers! ) After work - head out with the wife and little ones for some family time. Ride bikes, rollerskate, or just run around the park. Bring your dog along and try to keep up with the little ones and the dog!
Yes - you really can lose those extra pounds and keep them off.... for good! The secret to lasting weight loss is not expensive or found in the bottle of miracle powder or pills you might see in the Ads. Ignore the quick weight-loss propaganda and shed those extra pounds the natural way. Enjoy eating healthy foods and get plenty of heart-pumping exercise most days of the week.
Want to see results sooner? For even greater calorie burning, total body workouts - buy an Indoor Rowing Machine
Set a goal for yourself. If you've been spending too much time behind that desk or in front of a TV or video game - no worries. Are you willing to sacrifice just 30 minutes a day in order to sculpt a leaner, tighter body? Would you give up just one show every evening to improve your health? You don't even have to give up the TV if you don't want to - just put your rowing machine right in front of the Television!
Start small if you must - take your time and gradually you'll be able to exercise harder and longer than you might have dreamed possible. And, you'll start seeing results! Less stress and a tighter stomach are just a couple of the many benefits you can soon realize!
Start today. Adopt these simple, daily habits. You really can eat healthy, exercise and lose weight fast.
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